Staghelm Town and Services

Theurgi Emporium

The Theurgi Emporium is a network of arcane merchants in The Merchant Cities of the South with connections to the elven kingdom of Ynth and mages there and some in the Guild of Solars. They have offices in many places in the south, and some even in the largest of the Merchant Cities of the North.


Safe Magic Revealment services“: $50sc per item in 24 hours, double for big juju. “Reveals all properties including curses, no one gets hurt.”


  • Scroll: detect evil = $100sc
  • Scroll: detect magic = $100sc
  • Wizard Fire: Will only be sold to (non chaotic) characters with a Reputation greater than neutral, or a Magic User.
    > wizard fire (ignites on breaking – do not have to throw a torch on it) d8 oil = $35sc

Notes of Revealment/Discernment
Intelligence. 50sc I materials “magical revealment” – Read Magic or 1 hour for magic user, 1 day for elf… intelligence bonus in number of properties with pluses first, curses last. Or taken to a church for 7 days and 100sc and all properties, including curses, are revealed.
Command Words: all items that trigger a power (daily use, charges) has a CW. Revealment before wielding teaches all the magic occulash CWs.
Not revealing all powers before using will use a charge of each and trigger curses.

Learned wizard scribes 1 detect magic scroll per week; only usable by self… maximum by intelligence?