Kidnap of Allard Family’s Eldest

Orrish Goblin Orrish Hunting is part of the Transformation of Crestwold campaign. Kidnap of Allard Family’s Eldest is a small scene where a local person has been kidnapped.
> NOTE: Originally, it was integrated into the main campaign, but all encounters were broken out into its own arc for secondary characters.


A small group of Off Spawn and goblin have managed to be driven together as part of the concerted effort to hunt them down. The goblins of the Slavers from Off-World have managed to easily coerce the lesser intelligent off-spawn. They use them to watch during the day, and to have kidnapped their victim. Then, one of the goblins wrote a ransom note in their native language that could not be read by the townsfolk, but its tone was clear, and the day tally was obviously a threat in the noted days of killing them. The PCs are brought in to try and free the captive and kill the captors.

ASSUMPTION: The PCs have returned to Torrelson’s Ford to collect payment on the previous job.


On their way into the city, you see a couple small mercenary bands leaving on foot – under a half dozen in both groups. They nod as they pass, but go in silence. There is an actual manned guard post on the entrances to the city now. They stop and your name seems to be on some list and they wave you through – telling you a makeshift medical camp has been set up on the open fields on the southeast of the town. There you encounter about a dozen more mercenaries healing from wounds – all covered by the local Baron of Crestwold. Apparently, there has been an escalation. A band raided from the north and from the east. Another group apparently tried to get into the Pranin Moorswood but were attacked and driven out into the sunlight by wild animals – probably the druid’s work. As your wounds are well-tended, you are seen the following day by Verel Blackthorne – the baron’s herald. They wish to hire you again for a patrol back the way you came, to ensure there are no stragglers in the area as two groups were originally seen there. The job will pay 50sc a week, plus any sundry supplies. A double Bounty on the Orrish on any goblin ears and a bonus of 50sc per person if any direct fighting need be done. And the healing tent will be provided as part of the services.

Medic Camp = Heal at base 2, not 1.

You are traveling back into the area of Yarans Round, the still settled southern area of Yarans Vale and now a “suburb” of Torrelson’s Ford. Moving from settlement to settlement, you are looking for and asking for information on more raiders. As you approach Norover Hamlet and New Noro Hamlet, there are a pair of armed men behind a cover of rocks on the road. They hail you as you get closer and seem pleased to see you. Apparently there has been a kidnapping. In addition to a couple of raids of their cattle in the last 2 months, they say the Orrish has now kidnapped the highest ranking family’s oldest son Louis. The Allard family is trying to raise a posse to pursue them.

Sira Etienne Allard, family patriarch: He will pay the entire amount he was willing to pay for a posse to the PCs. That amounts to 170sc. Plus he will supply torches, rope, and miscellaneous normal sundry items. He has a Lily Balm (cure disease) and a Lily Potion (10 heal) he will volunteer at the end if they succeed. He will also pay for healing for 3 nights gaining base 3 healing + Con bonus.

Highest age is 19 – seems like he should be older

Tracking the Kidnapers

Direct East! as if they knew not

2) through the vale
A larger group is joined on other side of stream behind a low rise. +3 goblins
= direct East again!
Offspawn too stupid
Goblin dont know about Yarans Vale

1 on d6 > willi wisp

Entire crew = some walking with liml = foot tattoos from teleport?

The Kidnappers’ Scouts

2 Goblin watchers with NO Orrish Bog Bag.

The Cave of the Kidnappers

  • Day: 2 Off spawn watchers
  • Night: 2 Goblin watchers: sling w/smart buzz

Goblins x12;
NO Wormblat covered weapons.

Sun-Cleansed Off Spawn x2; Savage Brutes


If the group does not take the money of the Allard family, they should be granted 1 Character Weave.