Trade War in Crestwold

Steel Realms - Dunstrand Rising (A Living World Campaign)


The one good thing that can be said is that there is currently no Gwinnish interest involved in it.


18 years ago, Tolman’s Guides trading interests got rights to move trade goods in western Crestwold, after several decades of only being allowed in the eastern part of the barony.

6 years ago, a landmark 50 year rights grant for Morbin Brothers ended and was not renewed immediately as expected (due to the barons laziness and confrontation avoidance). Tolman’s Guides negotiates some exclusionary rights in western Crestwold with local farmers and townships in the time before the Morbin Brothers finally get the baron to sign a new grant.

5 years ago, legal proceedings started between the two trade interests.

3 years ago, Coran Maerkle marries the High Mayor’s daughter and gains influence in Torrelsons Ford – he brings money and resources at the behest of outside powers.

2 years ago, violence began to interrupt the flow of goods through Torrelsons Ford. Most of the meager military presence goes to keeping peace inland and there are not enough crews for boats to escort goods off the south coast of occupied Tarmysia. The civil war of Bar-Innis has left the Earl without means of maintaining things. The court of the Earl has representatives of Coran’s pressing for a resolution to conflicting trade rights in favor of Tolman’s Guides.

1 year ago, trade was about half of what it normally is, and the population of Torrelsons Ford is down about 20%. The baron has become a recluse and rumors abound about his health and cravenness are rampant.

6 months ago, Josie Welles is hired by the Morbin Brothers to direct the interests of the local trading company in Torrelsons Ford, and the court of the baron and earl while they handle all other areas of the barony. She is recommended by a friend, who is a friend of the League of the White Lily. This was an opportunity to enter into the Barony where they have never been before.

5 months ago, Josie began to turn around the Morbin Brothers decline. No one knows where her resources are coming from, but she is able to field some thugs for protection in Torrelsons Ford, and civil representatives in many places for representation.

3 months ago, Josie Welles was attacked. She is beaten and humiliated by having her dress ripped off in public by attackers.

2 months ago, Josie Welles is attacked and a rape attempted, but she is saved by some hired bodyguards who were following her. Rumors began circulating of a looming war between factions and the docks and warehouses became scenes of constant violence at night.

1 month ago, the first reports of the Rime Soldiers came in and more bandits appeared on the roads. The farms and steadings in the east are locked in terror. Food begins having a hard time making it west. The weather begins to get unseasonably bad and trade gets more difficult. Shortages begin and more food is having to be imported. The baron is doing nothing.

Players in the Scenario

Smugglers: Lucky Red Scarf vs. Frad Elgor

Lucky Red Scarf (LRS for short) is the new face of the smugglers of Torrelson’s Ford. He is currently winning in his attempt to take it over from Frad Elgor when the PC’s arrive. Its been a slow burn operation – Lucky did not know the locals and has used his money to buy connections and distractions, rather than having to build it.

Morbin Brothers Casters and Haulers

Location: Their headquarters is at Torrelsons Ford

Interests: Morben – A local family, they have had a long standing relationship with the baron for hundreds of years. They have a network of agreements with smithys across the barony and are the primary transporters of goods.

Agenda: Keep local trade, local. Block Tolman’s Guides every move to monopolize trade from the outside. Promote ideas that connect with the League of the White Lily.

Main Contact: Josie Welles

Josie Welles[/su_permalink is outgoing and wears her heart on her sleeve. She herself is a proponent of the League of the White Lily and wears its symbol on her sleeve cuffs. She believes in the Duke, in the strength through diversity, the Riverdans, and a unified Dunstrand. She is passionate about her belief and has been assaulted several times for making them obvious.

Secondary: Sira William Welles (Lily Glen)

Owner and operator of White Glen’s Importers; member of Dwindor Merchant League

  • Skills: History, Insight, Investigation

Tolman’s Guides

Location: Their headquarters is in county Faer, they have offices in all major county’s and baronies.

Interests: war-time trade. Smuggling.

Agenda: Displace the Morben Brothers and take over their operations. Destroy any chance the League of the White Lily has of unifying Bar-Innis into deciding on petitions as a new Riverdan.

Main Contact: Coran Maerkle

Coran is a man with an obvious accent. He is from county Faer and has nothing but disdain for the “backwater” of Crestwold. He is diplomatic and charismatic though, so it never shines through. Though not a true “agent”, he knowingly works for the Twin River Shadow Council.

  • Desc: Human male, 32, married, 5’9″, #170, short black hair, brown eyes, well groomed/striking appearance; accent is from the Twin River counties.
  • Location: Torrelsons Ford
  • Interest:
  • Agenda: [known] (via the Shadow Council) Stable trade and flow of goods from Bar-Innis (Crestwold port in particular) inland to the east. [unknown] Control of the smuggling operations in Crestwold. They were using Frad Elgor before LRS threw a monkey wrench in that – they were not able to intimidate LRS and have gone back to supporting Frad Elgor to oust LRS in the long run and ingratiate him to them.

Vedrenate Brotherhood

Vedrenate Brotherhood are known as a “troubleshooting business of mercenaries and merchants”. Said to be operating for Anwin when he was the agent of the Twin Rivers council. Without his patronage, they have diminished but found a new patron on the shadow council to cause trouble south of the Nanford. They are led by a man named Bufort, who grew up in Oerdney. They number about 100. They supply muscle for Tolman’s Guides all over Dunstrand.