Portents (distant Signs)

Portents are distant signsSigns which are connected to future surroundings and circumstances. Portent is an occurrence of a flash within The Pattern – where the nature of The Pattern in relation to the observer is imprinted around them and transforms them positively or negatively as the pattern indicates. Portents are actively called forth and read, whereas Omens are natural flashes of The Pattern. Portents reveal The Pattern ahead in moments of probability – not absolute truth, but, depending on its source, with a near perfect degree of accuracy. Astrological Delving can also be used to have a vision of or trigger a Sign.

  • A Favorable Encounter: The entire encounter of the moment; includes all advantages of Favorable Instant.
  • A Favorable Instant: The initial round of the moment – initiative is automatically gained, character gains a slight Action advantage.
  • A Rancorous Instant: The initial round of the moment – initiative is automatically lost, character is burdened with a slight Action disadvantage.
  • A Rancorous Encounter: The entire encounter of the moment; includes all disadvantages of Rancorous Instant

Portent Calling

It is usually practiced as a Ritual.

Portent Reading

Incarna d20™ Portent Details/Mechanics

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.

One possible outcome is to treat it as the Augury spell.

iCore Portent Details/Mechanics

Portent Moment Adjustments: [favor/rancor] +/- 2 initiative, +/- 1 attacks and defenses (incl. Iron Will levels), regain/lose Good Luck once, +/- 1 to all resistance checks, regain 1 use Wonderment/Wonderment unavailable for use, allies/foes gain 4 Instances of Tactitcal Insight (+1 CS)

  • A Favorable Encounter: The entire encounter of the moment; includes all advantages of Favorable Instant.
  • A Favorable Instant: The initial round of the moment – initiative is automatically gained, character has 1 AM extra
  • A Rancorous Instant: The initial round of the moment – initiative is automatically lost, character has 1 AM less
  • A Rancorous Encounter: The entire encounter of the moment; includes all disadvantages of Rancorous Instant