Selling Items/Loot, especially as booty (weapons, armor, supplies) from war and raids, is a huge part of the wealth characters can accumulate – more than coin itself in many situations. Assume selling is to turn it into real wealth (coin, trade bars, etc.). Keep in mind, all values herein are a suggested _Baseline_ only. Items requiring Repairing/Patching may affect their value when sold as loot.
Taking in Trade: A crafter, school, institution, or any entity that itself offers goods and services may provide a higher return if the value is a credit with them. Taking in trade can increase the value gained by the total value of all items sold [in a batch] + 10%. Generally, this takes the place of Haggling.
Just assume characters can get 50% of the value if they are in good shape. Any items ‘used in field’ will be 25% of their value (vehicles, armaments/military equipment, etc.).
Condition of Used Goods: GM’s wishing to simulate the battering of wear and tear on an item can impose standard wear conditions on them (“Battle Wear” until repaired, for Weapons and Armor.
Availability in Locale: The items current availability where they are being sold has the biggest impact. Sellers may transport their goods further away to gain a worthwhile increase in their value, but this exposes items to raids and misadventure in addition to the costs of transport – it had better be worth it. Items may be sold for a % of their original value.
A trustworthy consistent contact (broker, agent, fence, etc.) may also produce a higher return if they are guaranteed continued business in the future. Keep in mind, a consistent contact means someone knows everything you acquired and sold. Selling through a consistent contact assumes ALL items except unique ones will go through them – anything else should be noted in the relationship defined with the contact. A contact can increase the wealth gained by the total value of all items sold [in a batch] + 10%. This generally precludes Haggling.
The advantage here is that no one keeps tabs and the details of the sale are private (usually). GMs may allow Haggling to influence prices as well.