Description: human, male; Looks: average; Size: 10/Medium; speed = 35′; 6′ #168, right handed, bald / Background: Mendollin occultist (Any spell attacks at melee range count as melee attacks for feats, effects, etc.); Toad-Faced Dog–Mendollin Duncan Ovilod BOND if within 60′ (Mendollin gains HP if he kills within bond range).
> Scars: He has a black ring around his neck and a corrupted aura source.
Sorcerer 14 (aberrant mind) / Warlock 8 (olde one patron – pact of the blade/fist)
STR: 10 (taking -1) / DEX: 14 / CON: 15 (16-1) INT: 14 / WIS: 12 / CHA: 18 / SAN: 8 (10-2)
SANITY/Fortune/Luck POOL = 8
Speed: 35′ / Gift of the Depths (water breathe + 35′ speed)
+ Bulwark. When you are subjected to an effect that would move you at least 5 feet or give you the prone condition, you can use your reaction to steady yourself. You aren’t moved and don’t have the prone condition.
Detect: Eldritch Sight (detect magic), Revelation in Flesh (see invisible within 60′), 360/up vision; can see in cloud of Fog and other spells that grant minor cover.
> IMMUNE to surprise!
Communication: Awakened Mind (telepathy 30’/60′ TFD), Gladnorian, Mercat
All ranges (except void and bracer powers) are halved with the Eye of Dimov! Or 60′ if TFD within 60′
AC: 14 (Mage Armor 1/day @any action) + Dex +1 = 17 (Unfettered)
HEALTH > 56 + 40 + 44 -6 -3 > Hit Points = 141
Force Shield = Resist Fire > 2d8 (9/16/24 10’ melee retribution) / Psychic Shield (TFD)
Resistance: Psychic damage, advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
Condition Immunities: Surprise; Charmed, Poisoned, + TFD if within 60′ + Ring of Mind Shielding
Entropic Ward: Reaction to impose disadvantage on that roll. If the attack misses you, your next attack roll against the creature has advantage if you make it before the end of your next turn. 1/Rest
FEAT: Fighting Initiate = Unarmed Fighting (d8/4 base) / Charger (modified for unarmed/occultist) / Mobile in Dwindor (OK); Sentinel (opp att even if disengage)
Charger: When you use your action to Dash, you can use a bonus action to make one unarmed weapon attack or to shove a creature. If you move at least 10 feet in a straight line immediately before taking this bonus action, you either gain a +5 bonus to the attack’s damage roll (if you chose to make a kick attack and hit 20/24/42) AND as occultist push the target up to 10 feet away from you (if you chose to shove and you succeed).
Pact of the Blade: Summoning wraps his forearms in magical aura (+1) + Can use Bonus and Reaction to spend use of Resilience (2 each). In melee, 2 attacks (d2/2) per action w/single bolt eldritch blast enhancing punch (+3 bolts at range). Counts as 2 weapon fighting for bonuses.
@primary = +9 att; d8 + d10 (15/24/37) force w/Agonize Blast (cha) +1 damage @pact +1 @eye
@off = +9 att; d8 + blast
IF ENLARGE = +d4 (2/4/8) = 32 min
IF Spirit Shroud = cold 4/8/12 within 10′ (+ per level>3) + cannot regain hp, -10′ speed
+ Lethargy Lance (-10′ till next turn)
+ Repelling Blast (push 10′)
+ Pulverize 1 – targets anything with resilience!
Eldritch Blast Bolts = 4 beams @range; +9 attack d10 11/16/21 120′ distance
+ Lethargy Lance (-10′ till next turn)
+ Repelling Blast (push 10′)
Concentration = 1 + 1 +1 (1 San = auto)
FEAT: Occultist Adept (Force), Spell Sniper, War Caster,
Invocations: Agonizing Blast, Eldritch Sight (detect magic), Repelling Blast, Lance of Lethargy
Cantrips: Eldritch Blast (120’), Minor Illusion, Green Flame Blade (fire = 13/24/32; + 1 @5’ 22/33/41)
1st: Hellish Rebuke (force x2*), Armor of Agathys (20 pts) *(r)
2nd: Borrowed Knowledge (1 hour), Enlarge/Reduce (d4{c}), Invisibility, Hold Person (wis)
3rd: Mirror Image (12 ac; 3 images{c}), Thunder Step (anywhere in fissure)
4th: Black Tentacles (90′; x2 area in void fissure +dmg {c})
MEM: Dissonant Whisper/Hideous Laughter//Detect Thought/Phantas Force//Clairvoyance/Sending//Dominate Beast/Black Tentacles
Cantrip: [6] Light, Prestidigitation, Poison Spray, Acid Splash, Mage Hand, Mind Sliver
1st: [4] Disguise Self, Ice Knife, Sleep
2nd: [3] Shatter, Spider Climb{c}, Knock
3rd: [3] Vampiric Touch, Counterspell (@r), Spirit Shroud (cold 1d8 C @bns), Haste
4th: [3] Force Shield (force{c}), Polymorph > T-Rex cr9/ac 13/136, Giant Ape cr8
5th: [2] Bigby Hand
6th: [1] Chain Lightning (10d8-45/80/120 necrotic in fissure + 3 within 30′)
7th: [1] – Vamp Touch = 7d6 (24/42/63 > gain half {c; full with fissure})
> 2 points used for Distant Spell; Taken = Use a SP to cast a spell as a bonus action for 1 Essence (only has 3 free)
Gaze of Gloom (eye of dimov): Enhanced +10m area!
Must possess a Void Aptitude of 1 or permanently sacrifice 1 Essence and 1 Health. A gloom descends over an area 30m x 30m X 30m up to 100m distant causing minor obscurement (+2 AC) to all except the host and a Bane (-2) falls upon all those in the area who fail to resist with -4 penalty to their save. It further reduces the hosts Sanity by 1 for 1 hour.
As a bonus action, you can spend 1 or more sorcery points to magically transform your body for 1 minute. For each sorcery point you spend, you can gain one of the following benefits of your choice, the effects of which last until the transformation ends:
Potion of growth
Decree of the Emperor = TAKEN (sigils is familiar bond/token) + Fortune pool
Worn on his left hand – Ring of Vorr – Eaten by the avatar of Ssissllenn after Hunting Mendollin chronicle.
Worn on his right hand. Teerlink’s Greater Master Ring is the half of the master/apprentice paired rings of Teerlink the Lich, defeated by the party. Eaten by the avatar of Ssissllenn after Hunting Mendollin chronicle.
= EXPEDITIOUS RETREAT (one spell still available to Mendollin from Fazeel)
Teerlink’s Greater Master Ring (Mendolin)/Apprentice Cape (?): Requires Occult apt. 5 (Master) It’s a “Solarid” type set of items (bonded/connection). Master of Teerlink’s Ring Adjustments: ( – 1CP perm. to attune) + 1 on all checks for Lore: Occult, Astrology,Astronomy, and Meditation; choose 2 spells that the master and apprentice know in common and it acts as a periaptery (even if one or the other dies before it can be re-attuned). In the case of Teerlink’s Master ring, with the essence attunement ( – 1 essence perm. to bond); The apprentice may not target the master with powers of items which exert influence such as charms or dominations. The master can draw their apt. in mana per 1 AM (5 apt. × 6AM = 30 mana per round) from the apprentice, no matter the distance The master knows whether the apprentice is alive or not and with an Occult aptitude 5, this allows Mendollin to reduce the apprentice (Fazeel’s 6) SAN by 1 to gain an Iron Will of 1 (limited to half the SAN of the apprentice = up to – 3 SAN/ + 3 Iron Will for the Master); lasts for 1 minute/10 rounds.
Mendollin Sigil[/caption]
Mendollins’ Empowered Sigil is a sigil that is Mendollins personal sigil. It cannot be empowered by anyone other than him. It is burned into the palms of his hands. When activated with 1 mana, his hands glow with a deep red hue for 10 rounds. Taken as trophies by The Raiding Larks, given to House Malor for study after Hunting Mendollin chronicle.
Catapult spell as a Reaction; +1 overall damage from any spell (not cantrip) cast.
Detect Magic 1/Day as a bonus action. 1/Long rest it functions as a Crystals of Discernment.
After the battle to kill Anwin as he retired (a missed opportunity) Mendollin killed Boone to gain the Eye of Dimov. Mendollin is asking that it not be destroyed; at least he says to keep it safely stowed in the caverns of the library. Plague says no, and Mendollin goes rogue in his desire for power.
CHRONICLE: Killing Mendollin – Part of the larger PIN FEATHERS chronicle… > What the Players Know (hunt for Mendollin)
Insane, the helm of nicalogos the seer has driven him mad with the Eye of Dimov. Paranoid, powerful, and lost and without purpose he fled into the swamp – drawn by a strange voice. He forgot who he was over the next year. His clothes decayed, his nails and hair grew long, and his frame skeletal. He lived eating fish, insects, algae and anything he could catch or steal – remaining away from settlements. Over time, the strange voice he heard in his year, as if far, far away, grew stronger. Despite the seer’s helm. The voice was able to find him after years, and with the voice came a strange toad-headed dog. The dog with a toad’s face slowly coaxed him to civility. Convinced that the dog and he were friends, he followed it into the worst treacherous flows of Dwindor swamp. Toad-headed dog showed him to bypass the magics securing the Once-King away. Now he is trying to free the once king, whom he refers to as “the ancient warrior Praijak.”. Praijak has sent him to get an artifact from the fallen Bronzemen enclave of Ashfall, in Calibans Slurry in the Barony of Crestwold. Apshai had to rise again in order that Ashfall rise with it.
Hangmans Tree: He failed to gain power in the slurry, but once king saved him through Toad faced Dog. He has a black ring around his neck and a corrupted aura source.