Magic the Gathering Play Options

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The MTG play options we have used over the years. The point is to have fun and be creative. Non traditional decks, untried decks, and ad-hoc decks are encouraged. Remember that most rules governing anything but “standard play” is up to the playing group.

Freeform – iTactical

This is the default. Basically, you can use any card, from any set (even banned). If its super powerful and you want to use it repeatedly, dont use more than 1 in a deck. “Killer Decks” can have any, but dont play them except against others or to demonstrate – its about fun. DO NOT USE KILLER DECKS IN A CHALLENGE UNLESS EVERYONE AGREES. Any of these rules can be changed if all players playing agree to it.

  1. It must be 60 cards minimum.
  2. It cannot use a pre-built deck (at least half the deck must be assembled on the spot or ahead of game – put some effort in!).
  4. Anything can be targeted in the command zone (if used) by anything that says destroy or exile target permanent.
  5. Conspiracies can be played in any game.
  6. Commander based decks can be played in regular duel or multi-player games if agreed on ahead of time by participants, but must abide by EDHC traditional commander play rules if so.

Challenge/Ad-Hoc by Decree

  1. Each player puts a condition on the game. EXAMPLES:
    • Must be 3 colors
    • No more than 1 of any non basic land card.
    • Must be mon colored.
    • One color must be white
    • No creature with a power greater than 2 may be cast/
  2. If a player does not have the cards to match the conditions, they must declare it before the deck building begins or within 5 minutes of searching. Such players may ask for an exception to be made if they are close to fulfilling it. They may play other players deck.
  3. if ad-hoc, Players have 20 minutes (or an agreed on time) to assemble a deck matching the conditions.

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