Seth – Halfling
Kinetic 5
Appearance 4+1 (smooth shaved, violet eyes, olive skin, right handed, short [curly if grows] blonde and red hair he dyes brown)
– Seth dresses fromally – full sleves, clean collar, and is groomed but not overly. He never talks politics or religion in dealings unless it gets him an edge.
Fascination: Fire (not starting, just watching), Good Luck, Code of Conduct: Order, Agile Communicator (half cost literacy), Lowlight Vision (weak), Youthful Appearance, Toughness 1, Mana Pool, Chi Pool, Synergy Pool, Fascination: Knots (constantly has colored cords he is tying into knots while he talks; +1 to untie any knot or negates up to a -2 CS penalty), Toxin Resistance (+2; is always making himself sick trying to keep this up; use Botany, now he has a +1 check on making safe levels of poisons)
Strange Smell: smells faintly like charcoal – product of halfling biology and lighting himself on fire so many times.
BRAND: Despoiler – Any halfling he meets is allowed to kill him and there can be no reprise. Even the Laws of the land reflect this – unspeakable crimes against the halfling people. Only halflings can make the kill.
None will remove the brand on pain of prison and branding themselves.
Stealth 2+1, Camouflage 3+1, Disguise 1 (+2 w/normal disguise = makes him look like small human), Sleight of Hand 2, Security: Open Locks 1, Mobility 1, Climb 3, Jump 2, Swim 1, Ride 1, Streetwise 2+1,
Lore: Gladnor 2+1, Lore: Dunstrand 2+1, Lore: Halflings: 3+1, Lore: Pine Tribes 1+1, Lore: Orrish 1+1, Lore: Occult 1+1, Lore: Religious 1+1, Botany 1+1, Ventriloquism 1+1, Persuade 3+1
Languages: Gladnorian 4+1/3+1, Orrish 3+1/1+1, Mercat 2+1, Du-kat 1+1, Feyloise 1+1
Combat: Melee 2, Propel 1+1, Evade 2+2 [+1 from ring], Soak 2+1, Fend 1+2
RES = 8×5=40+4=44
Familiarity: small blades, improvised, sling, shield, rope/garrotte
Funds: money saved: 500sc, 100sc gem; money carried: 100sc, 200 coppers, gem worth 50sc
magic thermos (keeps stuff warm), 1′ wood ladder lengthens to 50′ on command, ring of protection (+1 evade), [faerie] ring of fire protection (for elves and halflings; no damage for anything he holds or wears or him from normal sources of flame; afflicts wearer with Fascination: Flame permanently)
Armor: Leather
Dagger (Dem’s Tooth; carved from a vampire dragons tooth) – base 4 damage, half penalty on any marked shots, increases base damage by 1 if engulfed in flame (Seth does not realize this – but its handy!)
– Compulsions: (Greater; -4 resist) Use in combat! Start fires!
pouch: thieves tools (+1 open locks = quality), flint+tinder, 7 smoke pellets, bag of 10 caltrops, garrote, 10′ wire, cloak, leather armor, soft leather boots (dagger in boot)
pack: lantern, 3 oil flasks, 3 rags, 1 days iron rations, 3 spikes, general poison antidote (allows a re-check for resistance but causes 4 damage), 1 dose sleep venom (save at VIT or sleep), mallet, 2 daggers, 20′ thin cord
belt: pouch above, Dem’s dagger in sheath, 2 small bags of colored sand with stench seed (hurts dogs noses = throw off trail)
Deck of Many things draw: Avoid any situation once…
Learned that normal fire would not hurt him with his ring, so he would often douse himself in oil, light himself on fire and run into combat. Needless to say, his companions had a love-hate relationship with him…
Upbringing: Urban.
Seth had thieved from the wizards tower, taking with him many minor items (like the thermos, ladder, and the amulet). In revenge for the theft, the wizard sent a minor demon after Seth, to teach him a lesson. The demon managed to attack him amidst the shop he was in at the time, – Seth’s fence for magic items. In an insane turn of events, alchemal potions mixed with toxic scroll ink, and when the mercenary magus was done unleashing his spells, a doorway to the demon’s realm opened to swallow it. A vapor of magical energies released from tipped over cabinet engulfed Seth and transported him to the Steel Realms – Oerdney.
He made his way to Elik-Sa; a place where he was told his people lived. He spent several years there, adventuring around the area, making a name for himself.
Seth tried to return “home” to Elik-Sa and end his adventuring days. In the course of the next year, he could not part with his rogue’s ways. He bought an Inn on the edge of The Purple Fields (named for the wormwood they produced) – a place between the lands of the humans and halflings, and eventually began smuggling goods into the community. Several halflings became addicted to ever worsening (and more expensive) drugs and Seth became wealthier. Eventually one of the young ones died… he was found out to be impersonating a religious authority and fled the Inn into the lands of his people, hoping to avoid justice. They captured him, solemnly branded him, stripped him of any remaining bond to the land or his people, and instead of killing him, sold him to the mines near the Ilbarsi Hills. He escaped into the Darklands. There he survived, and has managed to build up a small business of running goods in and out of the Darklands for some of the cults and tribes.
GOING SOUTH FOR THE HIGH-KING: (find Blink’s evil wharehouse and stop Grollen and Elf conflict)
Adventuring Group: Seth, Beagel Farthen (freed slave – followed Seth north to retirement), Petals (squire to Killion), Ozmund, “Bugeyes” (came back to group), and Cherrys, Golgirr.