Character – Maave Beeb
Typical Dress:
Light colors
Mannerisms: Maave often has random thoughts and actions. While focused when he needs to be, he tends to run wild mentally when there is space to breathe. From changing styles, accents, even genders, there is but one train of thought running through his brain – “maximizing my… I mean ‘our’, profit”.
Code of Conduct:
1. Have a high regard for life and freedom.
2. Keep his word of honor.
3. Lie and cheat if necessary
4. Will not kill an unarmed foe (but will take advantage of one; may kill if necessary).
5. Help those in need (if there’s something in it for him).
6. Not use torture unless absolutely necessary.
7. Work with a group, especially if profitable.
8. Never harm an innocent (but may take advantage of them).
9. Never kill for pleasure.
10. Dislike authority.
11. Never betray a friend.
12… Keep your toes painted and legs shaved.
Maave was the child of a human and elf tryst. His father was a sheriff, taking him to the edges of the forest where he developed a relationship with the woman who was to have his son. The elven maiden refused to raise the half-breed; his father Derek was forced to raise him. It destroyed his father’s marriage and his father despised and resented him growing up. When his father died of being drunk on the job and having an accident, he inherited a small fortune that his father had managed to build through schemes and harassment. He took to the life of adventuring. He eventually joined up with other adventurers but always stayed loyal to his guild brothers as well. Maave eventually joined several small and large guilds as a thief and rogue. He was tithing half his take to “The Guild” at one point, and tired of always being on the low side of the guild. Trying to gain power, he met a guild representative who told him he had a shortcut to power, he could become rich swiftly. With all of his built up money, he bought this “Deck of Many Things” from him in secret. Alone in his room, away from the eyes of others, he made his plans to ditch the “dead weight” adventurers he was with and began to draw cards.
Guy Gisbourne was a Viscount’s son. Fifth of 5 boys, he knew his options were limited. Nearly forgotten, he grew up surviving on his wits. His cousin Rico was his idol, so calm, cool, suave and collected – but he could never be be like that. He tried, volunteering to follow him on one of his outings against the orcs, and wet himself and was cowardly in front of his whole troupe when the orcs attacks – whom he has a pathological hatred of to this day. Receiving no training as a priest or warrior, or any acknowledgement from his family he became desperate. He took to worshiping the trickster god Loki. In the spirit of his faith, he betrayed his lord to his enemies, but the plan failed. He was found out and was forced to live as a dog (where his “kennel” was a hole in the ground – he HATES being underground to this day!) and jester in his lords court for months. At one point, he was forgotten about as he became good at hiding in the shadows and remaining silent. At a conclave with his advisers, Guy assassinated the lord’s magus – who happened to have a retaliatory strike set upon him. The entire great hall erupted in flames and all were killed. At that moment, his god decided to play a trick upon him and stuck him in Maave’s body as his soul was leaving.
The wheel of fortune is a harsh mistress. Guy saw the draw and watched out of the body as the soul of Maave vanished, and heard his last thoughts. The Deck slowly vanished as his soul was ‘stuffed’ into the body of Maave. Loki laughed and told him him he was one of his ‘prized’ possessions. “Here is your chance… fool. Fool the world, become that which you are not.” All he haas are brief glimpses of memories. Guy takes the name of Maave and tried to fool the adventuring band he is with. After a while, they know something is different, and have accepted him. Loki is good and kind thinks… Maave (not thinking as Guy anymore).
> Letters written to the Loyal Order of Bards and Storytellers, Night Clock?
[Latest will appear here – all else @ “”:]
World: Phry’n Tis
Adventuring in the world of Ph’yrin Tys with Korvin, Ketta (after Maave), Phideas, Oren, and Kad?
Kelly Berger
Thu, Jul 18, 2013, 11:10 PM
to Gazza
I want to hastily arrange a meeting with my “handler” for ORCA and get into a conversation with someone who is high up in the ranks. Basically, as i inferred in my last letter to them, i was to impress on them the potential dangers fo the rise of the temple. I will describe the types of creatures we have fought and my fear that they are “arming up” to take over the local area.
I wish to become the official eyes and ears for the organization around Rastur and the locale that far away – i would like a promotion to some named rank “sergeant brother” or some such? Teach me the secret handshake and i want them to set up a small network (3-4 guys?) in Rastur if its not been done already to provide a information pipeline from there back to headquarters. Points are:
a. I can send secure letters and get secure orders
b. Theres an “escape hatch” of getting us smuggled out of the area if we have pursuers for any reasons
c. Theres a way to fence goods and provide an income stream for us to “fight them over there instead of here”.
d. I want a farmhouse rented by the brothehood and our lab brought to it so Mario can work without having to return home.
In return, i continue to tithe, i notify them first and foremost, i want to give them all my personal money to be kept in ORCA vaults in headquarters… not in my haversack. And i pledge that if anything were to happen to me (death), they get 50% and my companions get to divide the other half. In return for that, i want to only tithe half what i do (5%, not 10%). I will cite the good showing in the Aerena, connections to churches and nobility we have,We seem like a god send to ally themselves to us.
This seems like a great setup for all of us.
If its possible, if they have aomse methid of placing an enchantment upon me to know when i die and can find my corpse and question i
If yeay, i;lll detail it up
Basically i heard what you said, about not being able to take weeks to leave and come back – this seesm like a solution
Worth a roleplaying point too?
+++++ and you never answered if you are tracking these poionts or us. I keep writing journal updates in the hopes they are earning points and i rs
And frankly, while combat is great, i likel intrigue and politics and this is the sort of stuff that keeos my interest up.
Does this work inline with where you are going?
You have a meeting with your handler during which you relate what you said in your e-mail. He said to return to the usual meet in twelve hours.
Twelve hours later at the Diamond Spider, he hands you a scroll. “Read this where you won’t be disturbed. It will disappear upon being read.”
Brother Maave,
You certainly have a style about you! Never has a young member managed to present such a self-serving power-grab as an act of benevolence!
So let me understand this – you want a promotion, a territory, a command, a trade route, and your tithe commitments halved?
This “temple” you speak of – from what I hear through the Guild and on the street, you and your compatriots have stumbled into an abandoned Dwarven mine in which a few bands of humanoids are fighting. Yes, yes, there are these clerics with the triangle symbol running around, but no one other than yourself considers them a threat.
Brother Maave, you have ambition, and I respect that…however, you must understand that you’re not the only promising recruit in ORCA, and you’re not going to be given a town to essentially run as your own guild – we have people in Rastor as well as the nearby Orc village AND we keep an eye on the Troll lair in the hills. Yes, there are some crazy cultists running around, but they’re crazy cultists who are buying up all the magic they can get their hands on, which is always in our favor, considering our markups.
Understand, you are not in any trouble, but ORCA does not share your assessment of the situation.
The Upright Man
My response letter to ORCA:
“I’ll communicate plainly. Though i may sound distressed or upset in some of my response, it is only because of my concern for my brothers and our future, and am feeling an imperative need to drive directly to the points which need making, ignoring the normal formalities because i believe we are all in danger. Living in fear of power grabs and self serving politics from members down to my minute level seems a sad, sad way of perceiving your allies. While my antics must confuse many, i assure you i cultivate those who oppose me to underestimate me – every time now to my advantage… and in this case it may have bled over into our relationship on accident and for that i apologize. To clarify, I have offered to put forward myself as a minor officer in an area that will hopefully soon be abandoned (its a shit hole – why would anyone think the guild would wish a permanent large presence there?). I wanted nothing more than to provide a secure path of information, a forward base of operations to combat the evils we find, and extraction means of your agents in exchange for some temporary advantages, and a recognition of ongoing efforts. If your honest assessment is that nothing is going on, you have most assuredly jeopardized my feeling of safety and confidence as a guild member. I’d suggest you interview the dragons, basilisks, demons and such that we have danced with in the “abandoned mine” to get a better assessment of their ultimate intent (which i still believe is to spread a vile rulership of overtly evil and malign power – usurping yours and others powers in the process), but the the armor, boots, and other adornments i and my companions have made of them no longer possess the ability to communicate. Would prisoners with knowledge you can gleefully extract be enough to convince you of the threat? What will it take to convince you to take this seriously… and perhaps be able to take advantage of that in ways your competitors wont see coming if they share your assessment of the lack of threat. Seriously… all i want is a temporary forward base of operations with which to continue our assault, and the ability to have a say in how its run to make things efficient as possible. If you’ve been watching my tithe and spending habits of late, you’ll realize that our assault has been profitable beyond any abandoned mine can account for. I might have a few suggestions on improving your intelligence gathering sources as well… I sincerely hope we can enjoin in a real conversation… ”
Let the games begin!