Kvasir the Conjuror (character)

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Wizard 4th – Conjuror

Kvasir – Human, male, age: 26,

Essence: 7 -3 (immediate ring binding)

Communication: Stalkers Sign 2,


Minor Conjuration: Starting at 2nd level when you select this school, you can use your action to conjure up an inanimate object in your hand or on the ground in an unoccupied space that you can see within 10 feet of you. This object can be no larger than 3 feet on a side and weigh no more than 10 pounds, and its form must be that of a nonmagical object that you have seen. The object is visibly magical, radiating dim light out to 5 feet. The object disappears after 1 hour, when you use this feature again, or if it takes or deals any damage.


@ start: Fantasy Starting Trek Kit

Tothman’s Ring: Though he calls it by his master’s name, he possesses one of the Stones of Isich!

Secondary Spell Book: 1st x2, 2nd x2

Primary Conjuror Spell Book: x2 (always a back up somewhere of this = double inscription cost)

  • 1st: Fog Cloud, Grease, Unseen Servant, Ice Knife
  • 2nd: Cloud of Daggers, Web, Dust Devil
  • 3rd: Stinking Cloud


Character Creation ParametersPoint Buy

Apprenticeship: Apprentice to magus Sira Edwin Tothman of Port Towne in the Merchant Cities of the North. He was a mercenary wizard that specialized in guarding caravans from pine tribesmen and bandits of Ser-Caynth and Grand Duchy of Rhyl and on the trade routes between the merchant cities and East River Run county in Dunstrand. His prized possession was one of the Stones of Isich – though he called it his own magical ring and claimed to have made it himself. After 8 years of apprenticeship and some familiarity with the area, Sira Tothman was killed in a questionable situation in the edge of the Duchy of Rhyl. He, Kvasir and his other two apprentices he had gathered for what he said was a job. Passing through a hostile area of wild elves in edge of the forest of Rhyl, near Meargansdale Vale area, they were ambushed by what they first thought were men of the northern pine tribes. Sira Tothman pressed on, saying they were close to the location where they were to ‘pick up’ an item and escort it back, but they were attacked again, this time by elves of the northern forests. Sira Tothman was struck fatally. The other apprentices fought the elves, while Kvasir took the prized ring of Tothman and sacrificed some of his own Essence to bind it immediately and escape. His fellow apprentices were all killed – they all would have died without taking the ring. Looking back on it, it seems more likely there was no job, and that his master had been looking to take something the elves were kill for, and likely willing to sacrifice all his apprentices to get it. He struck off on his own, seeking a new path in life and perhaps a real cause.

Drifting: For 2 years he made his way south, and then west towards the sea. He traveled through the most populated parts of Dunstrand, and hired himself out as a mercenary to the count of East River Run against the forces of the merchant cities of the north. House Malor, the ducal wizard order in Dunstrand, ruled the application of magic in the duchy with an iron fist – tracking his every movement, and requiring a tithe. After spending so long without any allegiance, he lacked any feelings that he had a home. Additionally, the forces of East River Run seemed to have no regard for collateral human life damage, and he was disillusioned with the mercenary life – though he did learn Stalkers Sign from one of the warriors of Mizras. The Orrish were starting to be seen once again, and the forces of East and West River Run seemed more interested in controlling their fellow countrymen instead of uniting to stop the old evil. He crossed into the territories of the Riverdans of Dunstrand – scorned particularly deeply by the inhabitants of East River Run.

Aftermath of Gruxxand the Necromancer’s ascension to Lichdom: The Guild of Solars recorded everything they could about The Soul Scourge and the Dreams Leading Up To It and they and others used their skills to interpret the meaning or significance. The character experiences the full range of dreams…

Into the Riverdans: Through a place called Cerran’s Grant – which was filled with too many recognizable faces of mercenaries he had seen in East River Run. He made his way to its southernmost edge, then turned east to the city of Zerburre. Those of East River Run held it and Bondeu – the fief it was in, in deep disregard. He reasoned that such a place must be the opposite of the life he sought to escape. Besides, the Riverdans were a place where House Malor had little or no presence and he felt he could operate more openly. Zerburre seemed to welcome him. He heard many rumors of an impending clash of a large force from Bondeu and other nearby Riverdans with a large contingent of orks and goblins. He apparently just missed the big battle, a chance to make a name for himself quickly!

A New Chance: His qualifications as a magus got him an audience with the court of the local Lady of Bondeu. In her court, he met several figures that day, and as the sun was growing dark a man, with skin that shone and was obviously of celestial origin, gave an impassioned speech. He was not seeking mercenaries, but was seeking those who themselves sought a cause. He was a paladin of Whelm – the protector. The child of Aerna and Mizras. Never a religious man, he listened to the speech the celestial gave and it resonated deeply in him. As this man, who called himself De’Vosa , mingled afterward, he finally was able to speak to him one on one. They spoke at length about his service, and his capabilities. De’Vosa was deeply impressed that he sought a higher calling. He was trying to put together a group that could operate outside the normal confines and restrictions of the professional soldiers. He had the approval of the local Lady of Bondeu, a widower who seemed to possess a hard gaze for everyone, except De’Vosa – they obviously have history or some other connection.

Meeting De’Vosa: “I cannot promise you anything other than glory and the chance to make your future. I warn you – I will abide no evil or selfishness in my company. In my life I have served with some of the best intentioned fools that taught me that family and community need not be limited to my faith. The memory of all he achieved is threatened by the return of the ancient enemy. If you would be part of that legacy, I would have you in my company. At sunrise, meet me at the stables in the courtyard. Tonight, I have more faces to test my patience. I hope to see you in the morning. Tell the steward you are with me, and he will see to getting you a decent room. The quartermaster in the courtyard will see to any mundane equipment you want before we leave. I bid you good eventide.” With that, he returns to mingling and seeking more to join him who will live up to his obviously high standards. You feel elevated just being his company. His eyes have seen a great deal, and he seems to be held in high regard by everyone in the great hall. Another drink, for it is fine wine, and you seek out the quarters promised for the night. In the morning, you make your way to the courtyard to a group assembling around De’Vosa .

Current Date: Common Year (CY) June 8th, 9169 @ Ancient Blood’s Due

Ancient Blood Party

  • L.J. – De’Vosa Paladin of Whelm the Protector (Aasimar)
  • Eric – Bronislaus Greatoak, World Watcher/High King’s Ranger from Dunstrand (human)
  • Arabus – Loman Ailbe, Darkland Ranger from the east (half elf)
  • Marc – Demis Emishkir, Berserker of Mizras from the Redlaen Enclave (dwarf)
  • Earl – Kvasir – Wizard of the Riverdans (human)
  • Corey – Aydim Bolstrin – combat medic (wild elf)
  • NPCs – Baggage Train (2 currently)