Brian Schorr

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Really this is just a placeholder for Brian’s character list! Brian was the most single minded role player I ever met. When he got an idea in his head, he would pursue it to the ends of the earth – even to his own detriment. The thick headedness caused many laughs, especially his classic Oleg Ironhelm and Setienne characters. Brian also took a try and running things a few times (and was a fair hand), but mostly stuck to playing… but I appreciate the efforts to give us usual DM’s a break. I gamed with Brian during the beginning of the steel Realms and he was part of that group that helped me fumble through a lot of history and world building, contributing his own ideas as we went and I am forever grateful.


Kelly’s Memories:

“What’s the problem?! He was just a PEASANT!” – Setienne Teilhard, exasperated that the party was appalled by him killing some poor slob on the road. On that group’s session 1
– Also, “Serf’s Up!”

“I blow the horn” (and presumably the entire campaign) – Brian Schorr

{Name’s} Incarna Testimonial

name here – {date here}