“Hear me, all of you.
You think your power is what shapes the world you walk in. But that is an illusion. Your choices shape your world.
You think your power will protect you from the consequences of those choices. But you are wrong. You create your own rewards.
There is a Judge. There is Justice in this world. And one day you WILL receive what you have earned.
Choose carefully.”
I met with the great Speaker of Anubis from the Landsmen council who introduced me to others of my folk for a special mission. We were to take on a sacred mission venturing into the lands beyond our borders. Some others from The Saelish had been employed by The Gallants of Bar-Innis; We were to join them but report directly to a woman named “Feather”, she will guide us to fulfilling the goals of our people and my gods. We are warned, the outside world is dark, we are the light. There will need to be a cleansing before we are accepted back into our community because our souls will be stained with darkness. But this is necessary for the greater good of our people.
Asil Omari was born of commoners, his father a Carpenter and mother a baker in The Saelish, a middle child of unremarkable history. But his blood was blessed by the Celestials, specifically Anubis – God of Justice and Judgment. Born with the head of a Jackal and dusky, ashen skin, Asil was praised by members of the faith and held in high regard by the other children for his reflection of Celestine origins.
In his late teens, he joined the Golden Branch, a group of protectors and investigators of the Landsmen Council of The Saelish. They hunted Orrish, the Nurth, discovered and closed entrances to the underearth where The Deeping would exert its influence, and put down those that came to The Saelish seeking ancient and forbidden knowledge of the long dead Bronzemen. There he was trained and earned a reputation for an almost supernatural ability to detect lies and foul deeds. Crime seemed to fail in the investigations he was stationed in, and some people would turn themselves in just to confess their misdeeds to him wherever he traveled – even unrelated to his interrogations. His blood provoked an impulse to reflect on the worst acts in one’s past, challenging those near him to better themselves or flee and dread the cosmic consequences.
Asil tempered this unconscious aura by being quiet and kind, willing to give anyone a chance at redemption if they were honest in their wish to make amends. A life ended was a life that could never improve, and he avoided killing whenever possible. He wished for nothing more than to inspire people to be greater than they were, no matter how low they had fallen. When mercy is refused, Asil would be swift and fierce in battle if he must. He knew sometimes bloodshed was necessary, but had no desire to prolong conflict or pain.
To this end, he was going to be sent northwest to Dunstrand with a group of compatriots. Given privileged information about past troubles by The Landsmen Council, and equipped with new armor and weapons to accomplish great things. There he was to introduce himself to the Elon folk in Torrelson’s Ford and see what aid he and the folk of The Saelish could lend in their recent troubles with Gwinnish invaders, spectral attacks, and strange magical beings like Dragons and even demonic toad creatures recently reported in the area that House Malor had told his companions to beware of.
Outside of The Saelish lands, he is often mistaken at first glance for a Grollen. However, he is far more alien up close, and lacks their characteristic chaotic energy and vibrancy, having a quiet serious demeanor and an intimidating stare that makes people feel judged and uncomfortable (unintentional, and he’s not always aware of it). His countenance causes fear and uncomfortableness outside The Saelish, though he looks like no Orrish or other race that would normally draw condemnation. He knows a social stigma will follow him. He’s very friendly once someone adjusts to him, always willing to listen or lend a hand if someone needs help, and loves to give advice to inspire or lead others to do greater deeds and excel in their goals.
In return for helping to bring the evil items from the north, he gained +1 Strength.
10/26/2023 – For the next session, please DM me (not the group) with the following for your character… Top 3 Current Goals (in order)
Greatest Personal Desire: Be accepted and trusted in his new community despite his otherworldly appearance. Asil is a creature of justice and peace, and the best way to uphold that is to keep the populous happy, healthy, and secure.