World Building – Set a Scope

What is a Setting? A setting is a unique place, while the campaign denotes the place and time. In Incarna, it can be a locale, a country, a world, or a whole universe – like the iVerse. This will provide the framework which characters will interact. A setting embodies all the consistent variables in a specific instance of world in which adventures take place. The iVerse has several pre-defined Settings. The story told by a game group will take place in a setting.

What is a campaign? A specific instance of a milieu or Setting is known as a campaign. A campaign has a base timeline (of the milieu), but the location and event specifics are set by individual GM’s. The flow of events within each campaign is directed by the GM’s wishes. The unique instance of a specific GM controlling a setting and the play scenarios within it is referred to as a campaign.

What is a Story Line? A Story-Line is a series of inter-related adventures and characters.

What is an adventure? An adventure is a series of events, involving the PC’s, that takes place in a campaign. The GM is controls the actions and reactions of the NPCs in an adventure, and how they impact the campaign. An adventure is like a play. The players are the audience, and their characters are the actors. The GM is the architect, the script writer of the play. Together, they all participate in a drama. The audience of players does not know how it will turn out, whilst the playwright has written the scenes in which that actors ___

Scene: unlike a modern play, these are not linear, they are simply stage on which the characters interact. A Scene will have a setting, an encounter, and possibly a setup. A good GM will be able to describe and control these things in a vivid manor, bringing more interest to the gaming experience.