When a character adopts a Committed Pathway, they are locking in a certain aspect of the Archetype progress from the time of Character Inception. It is assumed that the character knows their historical and literary references of their Setting and have researched or thought out their decision deeply to arrive at the commitment; Or that they just have a primal instinct and dedication to their own vison of themselves. Either way, their commitment is obvious in thoughts and actions. This is recommended only for those with a complete character envisioning process well thought out; If the character deviates from this, they lose all of its benefits, and may have additional penalties.
i20 assumes you are familiar with the 2014 DnD 5.0 SRD and the PHB it is based off of.
Requirements: The character chooses to be a SINGLE PATHWAY/CLASS template (NEVER multi) and must choose their subclass @1st level – the moment of Character Inception.
Benefits of Adopting: +1 Essence, +1 Aptitude Aegis (if emphasized/used), +1 to any anima Reservoir whenever it is acquired, and +1 CP.
Health (Hit) Points: Maximum at first AND second level.
Penalties for Breaking: All benefits are lost and removed if already applied; An additional CP and Essence is lost (total -2). The first and second level HP are reduced to HALF (not the rounded up values – EXACTLY half).