Impact > Neutral
Basic Communicator: The character possesses the basic fluency in their dominant form of communication (language) used by their race and/or society. The character is considered a Native Speaker. If the character was raised in a multi-lingual culture, they gain additional languages for their intellect. Literacy is not granted by this Feature, though can be gained by substituted for an intellect bonus (Literacy must be with a fluent language).Multi-lingual Culture: If the character was raised in a multi-lingual culture, they gain another spoken language for each skill modifier of their intellect.
i20 [specific] Requirements:
Their intellect measurement is half their Intelligence attribute modifier or 1 - whichever is greater.
iCore [specific] Requirements:
Fluency is a skill level 4 - Fluent. Their intellect measurement is the Reason attribute modifier or 1 - whichever is greater. If they possess no modifier, the second language at level 2.