Capability Measures for i20

Hail the sword of Incarna

Incarnate Publications > INCARNATE 2024 > Side Talks 2024 > Capability Measures for i20 >
Author: Kelly Berger Signature

In finalizing the i20 skill replacement, the full suite of capability failures is required to assess skill outcomes. This is another aspect to reflect the “Gritty Realism” approach to Incarna™

Assumption: Always get attribute bonuses… This just makes it easy.

How to simulate/explain that some classes CAN’T have proficiency? There is no way, but adding Kinetic Aptitude 1 minimum requirement for martial weapons will ensure some penalty. Clerics of the war domain, etc. gain a ‘martial instinct’ capability that allows them to wield martial weapons without the kinetic aptitude requirement using the guidance of their god.

Unfamiliar = No skill/proficiency level adjustment to outcome; Has a frame of reference but never observed or used in the way being attempted.

Clumsy (not meeting minimums) = No major result outcome possible; Familiar and skilled, but lacking some minimal capability.

  • Disrupting/Demanding/Inhibiting/Dispersing/Reducing Outcome: -1 Measure

Unproficient = Unfamiliar + Clumsy + Cannot be used in maneuvers; Has a frame of reference but no familiarity or skill.

  • Learned: The knowledge and/or operations are only capable of being performed by a Skilled/Proficient character.

Alien = Unproficient + Maximum bonus for any attribute is Sanity adjustment; No frame of reference, familiarity, or proficiency.