A character can realistically be just about any background and race allowed by the rules, limited by geolocation availability and/or cultural norms. However, many places have a society that produces a preponderance of a specific outlook and qualities that reflect an archetype or stereotype. Adopting this confers some small advantages, excludes some backgrounds and alters others – including characteristics, values and behaviors. It may also impose stat adjustments. The experience can help to inform the Character Stories and roleplaying opportunity during the game. Experiences are Advanced/Complex Concepts and Mechanics.
Requirements: Cultural Experience (and any benefits) can only be taken at the time of character creation – it assumes that the character was immersed in the culture as they were raised.
Aptitude Affinity: The character has specific which may be purchased with Essence at a decreased cost.
Disposition/Ability Adjustments:
Ability Emphasis:
Knowledge/Lores: Lores (Knowledge)
Ignorance/Bias: Lores (Knowledge);
Social Standing: [linked]
Primary Education:
Secondary Education Starts at an older age.
Faith/Divine Experience:
Institutional Experience:
Personality Parameters: No X/Y, Only X/Y, etc.
Ideal Parameters: No X/Y, Only X/Y, etc.
Bond Parameters: No X/Y, Only X/Y, etc.
Flaw Parameters: No X/Y, Only X/Y, etc.