: This is not a required part of character building and gets no reward unless the Game Master provides one. Some aspects drill deeply into roleplaying and GMs are encouraged to grant rewards ( ) which allow them to start off with added options.
Character Stories are a key part of player participation is the story made for a character. A character with a crafted story is a player vested in it’s success. A story helps to envision Character Concepts and bring them to life; these can be a few sentences to dozens of pages. A character story can allow the player to make one which deviates from the rules, allowing a piecemeal approach to fulfill any concept of race, background, vocation, locale, and archetype/path. Each added story element the player creates adds more rewards. An easy way to get an idea of how the character was raised and their basic perspective is to adopt a Basic Cultural Experience.Think about how people develop in real life. Individual perspectives based on race and culture create biases, distrusts, and perspectives on helping strangers and working within and fostering a community or an ‘every-man-for-himself’ attitude. A character’s family – a motivating hatred driving them from tragedy OR a sense of stability wherein they are still alive and supportive of the PC.
This must include vaguely how the character got their general background and the type of life that lead to acquiring vocational or basic life skills and place in the local society. Also, how and why did the character come to leave their former circumstances and be on their own?
Birth: Where, when, family, family job or trade influence, social status.
A full set of Character Stories can explain anything, even complete deviation from any setting, rule and/or play restrictions in a Class Templates. However, it is also these constraining elements that encourage a role-playing challenge and reward).