Good Standing (behavior)

Good Standing means that all obligations taken on by the Character for Guiding Behaviors have been and currently are fulfilled; The character has embraced the notions that keep them there and there is no trepidation or anxiety around the relationship with whatever requires them to be in Good Standing.

“Good Standing” may mean different things for different groups and Organizations/Institutions – generally the member must both promote the subject and not be in discord with other members or the group/order or its administrators and policies. Promotion can consist of many mundane aspects: wearing of colors and symbols openly, attributing it partially to the success of a character in public, acknowledging special days and ceremony, etc. They usually must possess some rank within the group. This entitles them to the full range of options and services tied to the obligations. Getting in, staying in, and competing with others to remain in Good Standing in service to a noble, institution, master craftsman, etc. can have a lot of opportunities to the game for a character.

Institutional ties to Thematic adjustments will likely be tied to institutional Good Standing, a sigil (Empowered Marks), and/or Focal Point Object bound to the organization/group.

Examples of Good Standing: Grace