Sworn Word (Oaths, Pacts, and Vows)

Sworn and Beholden: A binding Sworn Word has tremendous impacts on a character’s actions and outlook. Sworn words are a statement of intent from which the swearer must not deviate from upon pain of suffering and detriment. A sworn word in and of itself is only as binding as the swearer makes it. Most of this rests upon the authority presiding over the commitment. Many times a character may pledge themselves and ‘swear’ to uphold, and the act of vocalizing it or making it known that the swearer so believes in it is enough for authorities. However, such a word is not binding in the same way a sworn word is. A sworn word binds the swearer in a contract, granting them some small measure of benefit in return for the total and complete adherence to their sworn word. Breaking a sworn bond indicates that even under duress, the swearer will sacrifice themselves to adhere to their sworn word. Most institutions do not require such a bond, and the simple ‘word of honor’ indicates enough of a commitment to show desire and intent – though any act of defined Transgression may trigger the same consequences.

Story Hook ++

This presents a good opportunity for adding Character Story elements to the Character.

Role-Play ++

This presents a good opportunity for adding Roleplaying elements to the Character.

Mechanics of Sworn Words: At the vert least, adoption of a Code of conduct to a temporal or civil authority will grant some benefit. Divinely held sworn words may not grant secular benefits, but powers or benefits as related to the Divine Principle which holds the bond.

Forsworn and Recovering: Bonds of the sworn word must be reaffirmed, or some purification must happen in order for the forsworn to leave the burden of their broken word behind. If any cost was part of it, it must be paid for double either immediately or upon next available moment when the requirements can be met.

Promised Financial Support

A Share of the Proceeds: For fees, tithes, and other promissory support elements it is often necessary for a character to contribute monetary value to the operations of the group or membership they are part of to remain in Good Standing and enjoy its benefits. Where a party divides monetary wealth evenly all the time, it is easy to assess what is owed in terms of tithe as a percentage of the characters share. However, many parties keep the monies in a single party fund to be used in the most advantageous way possible for the group. In such a case, the party must assess the obligations based on the expected share – make it as fair as possible. Authorities are likely to do an occasional review to make sure they are getting a fair share, perhaps requiring a “greasing” of the wheels of bureaucracy. It may affect the character’s standing in an organization or with a sponsor as well.