Impact > Positive (Cost: 1 Essence)
Moment Req: Any after the significant moment of Actuated Threshold and be Hale.
Capability Req: They have chosen to be the Will of the Principal’s Hand.The character is able to Petition their Principal to shift some of their capabilities derived from their association with their sacred Tenets and Litany. Subordinate Actuation MUST be taken at the moment of the first Actuated Threshold for a character, after Character Inception. Characters must subjugate their will entirely to their Divine Principal or Cosmic Principal (some prime entity capable of manifesting an Avatar) and let the needs of that Principal transform them in order to achieve a sacred task or Quest. The GM determines if their Principal responds and the duration of the change (usually until a specific goal is accomplished).
Alternately, the Principal forces this Subjugates their own will to the goal of their principal. They are the weapon of the hand.
The PC does not get to question the will of the Principal. They do not get to choose on their own. Any tenets given should align with principal, but also goal. Any that break a current litany mean a new Rite of Significant Litany must be performed and all forms of Liturgical Bonds may be in question (in relation to other Followers/Institutions/Groups).
This allows a character to change their subclass for a duration. They lose all the abilities of their original subclass, and gain the ones associated with the new one. Upon the Principal’s assessment of completing their service, their original subclass and abilities will be restored, replacing those gained.
Limits: This only applies to the Pathways (Class) of Ranger and Paladin; The significant Actuated Threshold moment is achieved at 3rd level.