Rest and Recovery is vital for creatures to heal and recover their faculties and capability to perform actions. Rest itself consists of non-strenuous activities – fighting, prolonged movement/travel, active research and analysis/experimentation, etc. preclude getting rest and regaining Health. There may be many circumstances which interrupt it or inhibit it, preventing rest from being effective. A full night of sleep is almost always considered some degree of rest. Rest cycles are critical to regaining the debilitation suffered from Wounds. Most rest cycles assume that they are uninterrupted & unhindered and consist of only casual mild mental or physical activity for 1/3 of a day cycle maximum. Secondary lasting effects may linger, depending on their source.
A Short Rest is a brief span of time spent at full rest. The short rest itself is a sleep cycle – typically 8 hours or 1/3 of a day cycle; The rest short rest cycle is a full day’s passage of time. Only sleep or a low impact activity may be enjoined in this time, or the rest cycle is reset. A Short Rest will: heal all fatigue damage, heal some normal damage based on the character’s normal Healing Rate, heals 1 Essence, partially recharge vital fonts of energy, and alleviate a single Wound.
A character with a proficiency in any of the Simple Medical Practices can apply a use of the Medical Workers Kit to provide +1 level of Care on a single target with a Short Rest.
A Long Rest is seven Short Rest cycles, with unbroken sleep when expected (1 week or equivalent). A Long Rest will: heal all normal damage with basic care, alleviate most minor conditions, and alleviate all normal Wounds.
An Extended Rest is four Long Rest cycles, with unbroken sleep when expected (1 month or equivalent). It is for recovering illness, disease, malaise, and such things as hard damage. An Extended rest will: heal all Hard Damage and all Wounds.
The negative pathway of triggering events that leads to this state/condition will likely come with Trepidation; specifically Disorienting Thoughts. It is also possible that Nightmares my also intrude during the hours of sleep/rest. This state would be removed through direct actions such as Atonement or indirect; ex: an Act or Mystic OfferingsOfferings[/su_permalink of appeasement, Many causes have methods proscribed, both mundane and/or mystical.
BASE HEALING RATE IS 1 HEALTH (HP) PER SHORT REST + the character’s Vigor (Constitution) modifier. Medical Workers Kit can increase this if combined with CARE.