Obscure Knowledge / Near-Impossible Difficulty

Obscure (hidden/unique) knowledge/information is a level of the scaled Knowledge Hierarchy. Knowledge may be ciphered/encrypted by various means.
This is knowledge almost never part of any recorded information, or recorded in such a way as to render it virtually unknown to all within a given setting. Typically such information is for the Game Master or the most complete and highest quality sources only. It has no set, specific parameters for its discoverability or scope – it is simply not available as part of any typical body of knowledge.

Example Scope of Knowledge: Although expressed as myth and metaphor, knowledge of the ancient “firsts” of the iVerse is not known or disseminated by any in any literal or meaningful way.

i20™ Knowledge/Difficulty Details

Typical target difficulty is DC 30; Learning/Knowledge (skill/Trait) level(s) 21+.

i20 Skills REPLACE d20 skill proficiency: Add the skill level + modifiers to the check ( Proficiency Bonus not used).

A single Result Check to assess Success or Failure AND quality which may be impacted by conditions which indicate a Lack of Capability (Unfamiliar, Unproficient, etc.). The GM can { } Narrate it, and players may request an appropriate impact when anything other than a basic outcome is indicated. Character Points are Rewarded by the GM to improve Skills (and other Features).

iCore iCore™ Knowledge/Difficulty Details