
Seduction is one of many Social Interactions that take the form of Influence Activities; A character’s Communication proficiency and knowledge of Influence are leveraged. Characters can develop these types of actions as Accomplished Activity.

Seductive Persuasion: This is the art of attraction and using sexual and/or emotional desire to guide a target’s thinking to influence the opinion of the target. It can work on any denger, as long as there is would be a desire in the target for the character. This is a protracted and long play for persuasion. Suggestions are seen in a more favorable light, and they are far easier to influence through social persuasion.

Bribery: This may be overt (“here’s $50 to look the other way”) or covert (“who wouldn’t like to make a share of the cut for doing nothing”), but it is a promise of some reward that will benefit the target and can (if they are known to be receptive by reputation, direct knowledge or Insight) adjust the attempt to Influence them.