
Haggling, where a vendor/seller allows it, pits the charisma and wit of the Seller‘s Charisma (Persuade, Bluff, Fast-Talk, etc.) vs the Buyer‘s Charisma (Deception, Bluff, Fast-Talk, etc.) to shift the value. Haggling is generally for individual items, not large batches, especially of different types of items.

Haggling is one of many Social Interactions that take the form of Influence Activities; A character’s Communication proficiency and knowledge of Influence are leveraged. Characters can develop these types of actions as Accomplished Activity.

Bribery: This may be overt (“here’s $50 to look the other way”) or covert (“who wouldn’t like to make a share of the cut for doing nothing”), but it is a promise of some reward that will benefit the target and can (if they are known to be receptive by reputation, direct knowledge or Insight) adjust the attempt to Influence them.