Specialty Roles (optional rules)

Armor Suits are Defensive Measures that are worn. An appropriately sized and fitted set of Armor will have the same relative impact on Encumbrance, regardless of size. In many settings, there any many individual Notable suits of armor with long histories.

Basic Role: Let PC members pick one each
Designated Healer: Roll under wisdom for each target PC +1 healing on a rest
Designated Athlete: Open doors +1
Designated Investigator: +1 spot hidden
Designated Occultist: Detect Magic # times = int bonus
Designated Scout: f/r trap
Designated Scholar: Roll under INT to know something relevant
Socializer: +1 for hiring NPCs/reactions
SPEC Role (has requirements) Fighter, Elf, Dwarf
Ranged-Harrier = Ranged goes before movement if initiative is won
Charge-Leader= +1 to hit specific creature type if initiative is won
Line-Holder = can direct a Hireling Shield Wall (these three auto make morale checks)
> 3 hirelings carry a shield each for additional +1 ac and they take dmg and heal as a unit; when they “die””, the wall breaks, shields and armor are sundered and they all die. At least one enemy must engage them, The line may protect 1 other character each round preventing them from being targeted unless there are more than three attacks in melee range.

One character will be the “Recruiter” – the person recruiting retainers (cannon fodder) and setting their morale – usually person with the highest Charisma score
Each player will control 1 retainer normally, the Recruiter any extra. Retainers share paired PC initiative and can go first so the PC can use as few resources as possible and make the best choices.