Steel Realms
Dunstrand Rising Living World A n c i e n t   Blood – A Living World storyline
Set in the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms.

CHARACTERS FOR Ancient Blood’s Due should be aware of the soft cultural aspects of the Culture, Education & Traditions of the Riverdans. Characters can achieve some extra aspects if they make a local character and adopt the Cultural Experience of the Riverdans Option (INCOMPLETE – NO LONGER Working on it; No PCs interested).

CHARACTER LIST: De’Vosa (Paladin of Whelm the Protector)

New Character Options

Starting Level 4th for New Characters; You will quickly level up to the level of De’Vosa.

Races: Standard Characters of the Steel Realms. Any character of Orrish (goblin/ork) ancestry is going to have a hard time of it (negative reactions). The Riverdan bloodlines and culture come from The fallen East – where the Orrish drove them from. The Riverdans are VERY human-centric in the sense that there are no non-human leaders, though many other races are welcome.

  • HUMAN CHARACTERS: As of right now, the human variant of 5e is altered. All new characters that want to take the human variant do not start with a feat, they start with Dynamic Familiarity; This is noted and updated in the Characters of the Steel Realms. Im working on a lot of the text for these pages. The offset to this is that all non-human races will have both bonuses AND Penalties to their starting attributes. This will be posted in the future.
  • WIZARDS: Wizards that are locals will not belong to any order. House Malor is not welcome either by association or membership in the Riverdans and they would be the only order in Dunstrand other than a local house that passes on their learning materials.
  • BARBARIANS: There are no barbarians local to the river lands

Assembling the PCs

Kelly Berger’s Interim Play General Regulations

– Prefer to have any adventures that collect the PCs together to happen in the Riverdan of Bondeu

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic