Asil’s Vision of Duty

Steel Realms
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Roughly CY 9169, Feb – While doing penance for being connected to the assassination Attempt of the Baron of Crestwold, Asil’s Vision of Duty.

Anubis comes to Asil Omari in his sleep.

In your sleep you see a point of light in the distance. It is warm, and draws you like a sun in the darkness. As you approach, covering a far distance, you can see a miniature sun. Under it is some large object. You get as close as you can, it is almost burning you to ash as you try and make out what has drawn you hither. Then the cool shadow of Anubis allows you to stand tall, and you blink your eyes and look closer. It is a collection of stone tablets. You look up to the tall figure of Anubis, he says:

The stone tablets are of the recorded Amarata – the ideal of Umbakian Family and Service. This is what guides the knight in your service, it is what binds him to them, and him to you. Through the unbroken line of spirits in the House of the Dead, they whisper “duty”, “honor”, “loyalty”. Your penance must run its self-imposed course for it to be effective, but there is dire need of these qualities with those struggling in the lands of Dunstrand. You may carry with you no more than you have at this moment, nor return with aught else if you do return. In place of your contemplation, Sir Roryin Lavinge may serve – either until you return, or the end of what would be your devotion if you had remained… another 4 months as you measure time. His ancestors have spoken, he will serve if you will have him. What say you?

Asil would have counted his penance as uninterrupted; instead he asked Sir Roryin Lavinge to serve in his stead.

Anubis: The events on this world must play out. It Is best if no guiding hand interfere. That said, there are forces arrayed in opposition to this which must be accounted for. Your penance is unfinished, but you will be represented at the convergence. The chance encounter may not have been so chance at all. He will fulfill your vows of service, in turn considering his own vows fulfilled.