The Mines of álag

Steel Realms

The Mines of Alag is the product of a deep fault line of dolomite that the Ducateon followed to an underground aquifer. It is extremely hazardous to mine, doing permanent eye and lung damage which is why those who work it and the pressure. Workers cannot work for long and because of this the prices are so high. Some of the most prized armaments and items are made of this. There was a constant rotation of miners and crafters as the pressures, both physical and mental effects of going that deep take its toll. The facilities are for the production of Glassteel.

Glassteel Factory

The Glassteel Mine

Ducateon prefer natural crystals, the resonance is better for them and what they need it for. Dwarves prefer tempered glass created at extreme high pressures in stone presses and caverns deep in the earth. There is one glass factory in the territory ruled by Pomata, on the edge of the Stormfront Mountains, where Dwarven crafters use Ducateon Holt tunnels to go deep deep in the earth where the pressure is significantly greater. This place is referred to as the mines of álag. Other humanoids, even Nurth and Orrish, cannot survive in these pressures and depths.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic