Travel in the Steel Realms

Steel Realms
Travel in the Steel Realms is mostly safe. Most inhabitants of the realms do not travel far from their local area. Certain cultures and places are an exception to this, as well as higher social classes in general. Individuals and small groups as well as Parcel Services can sustain the best movement rates. Most people walk about 3-8 miles per day incidentally as part of their job or daily activities. Roads are most often placed with Place and Boundary Markers.

Time and Distance Rates

Movement rates represent comfortable rates and all individuals and animals involved are proficient at doing their jobs to achieve normal travel rates. In most cases this means the character and/or their mounts will not be fatigued or injured, and have opportunity to rest, relax, and stay healthy as they go. Jeopardizing this could result in malaise, fatigue, or Exhaustion, putting characters at risk if attacked.

Large Groups: Large groups must have a logistical support mechanism in order to travel. Generally, they must bring their own sustenance, accommodations, shelter, and security. This generally slows down the movement rate by a %, depending on the desired comfort.

Average Daily [Casual] Movement Rates
Horseback/Mount 24 18 12
12 10 8
18 14 12
Transport/Baggage 12 10 8

Pushing the Limits

Travel may be pushed to 150% of normal rates. This will automatically result in Exhaustion for mounts and/or riders/individuals. Those Who Range and some of the World Watcher members can travel at unencumbered travel rates even though they are personally encumbered by gear. They know the land and roads well enough to travel more efficiently.

  • Unskilled Riders: A character without skill can increase their movement by riding, but they will automatically suffer a Fatigue or Exhaustion for a number of days per day of riding. Movement rates in excess of normal result in real damage AND exhaustion. The maximum increase that can be sustained is 25% of normal.
Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic