War it is

Saivelaugh Return – Part of the Ancient Blood Campaign > Ancient Blood in BondeuRiverdan of Bondeu
War it is

Prior: Merchants make a incursion into Saivelaugh
Prior: Depending on the tone of the letter to Linnis Faer, a force may rush to intervene and force a diplomatic solution.
PRIOR: Check – if your NPC chronicler (Cali/bard) gets killed, it will force a morale check. And hurt your reputation, even if you win the battle.
PRIOR: If the PCs do not put their own signs on the western road, SB REINFORCE = True

Condition WARNED AND WAITING = True if the forces of the Sunbelt Merchants know who the characters are and are waiting in preparation. The spells of the wizard are the type useful on the road but can be used in combat

Sunbelt Merchant forces

[ i ] > WARNED AND WAITING = True, then all forces can be ready and armed. Spells chosen may be different if not.

Sira Connor Jackshon: Cleric 1 (studied in monastery of Balthazaar in youth); W 16, I 16, Ch 15
Mounted on riding horse; dagger, quarterstaff, wears holy symbol of balthazaar
LEADER – If he dies, the rest will flee or surrender
Cantrips: Guidance, Virtue (3 temp hp)
1st [2] Bless, Shield of Faith[x], Guiding Bolt

Sira Charles Rodman: Wizard 5th; I 18 (9 spellsHalas Blaze School)
Mounted on riding horse; spell focus (order sigil), dagger + quarter staff (Osrician Wood), wears holy symbol of Balthazaar
– camouflage suit (matches terrain, advantage)
cantrips: Prestidigitation (detects Familiar in +120′ per round concentration to a max = PB), Fire Bolt*(+1 dice/potent), Mending, Infestation
1st [4] Longstrider (on horse for escape), Grease, Fog Cloud, Cause Fear
– absorb elements 1/day with staff
2nd [3] Dust Devil, Suggestion (fight to death if single combat!), Shatter (60′),
3rd [2] Erupting Earth (120′), Spirit Shroud
– assistant; illegal in Dunstrand, only reveals his powers in emergency – masquerades as a cleric; his book is hidden!
Normally his spells are like Fast friends and bent on getting better reactions in dealings with the community.

Willis the accountant/herald; bard 2 (std World Watchers)
Mounted on a riding horse; leather (AC 13), short sword + dagger
Cantrips (2) Message (600′ range w/envoy token), Vicious Mockery
1st [3] Comprehend Langs, Detect Magic, Distort Value, Sleep, Charm Person

12 x f0 merchant workers (as f1 but no second wind or style) – THESE ARE USED AS SCREENERS around Pellan!

2-3 bodyguards: f2/HP = 22; scale and shield, battle axe, hand axe. Heavy “prinz guards” from the merchant cities = professionals that are trained to shut up and stay quiet in close proximity to business deals. Bonded (150sc) if captured/defeated.

The Sunbelt Merchants forces are commanded by a mercenary named Othric “Deep Scabbard” (F8/HP = 68, Battlemaster), uses bastard sword 2h (d10). He is from the north, somewhere in Rhyl and it is said he has fought against the undead in Northgate Garrison (true). There he bound a Frozen Souls. When he gathers his forces, he fights under the banner of “Othric’s Hammers“.
FEATS: Fighting Initiate, Great Weapon Master, Resilient (WIS), Magic Initiate – Dark soul binding
STYLE: Dueling – Damage +2, Great Weapon – +2 init/+1 avg dmg
– half plate (AC 15; decorated, 50% more value), bastard sword (quality lightweight long sword of Prinzedge; used 2 handed 10′ threat range, +3 initiative, +1 attack, +1 damage)= whats it worth!?
>> Maneuvers = Ambush, Brace (can use 2 handed long sword with it for 10′ threat range), Pushing Attack (to then use Brace), Trip Attack
> wears a signal helm
–> Shield of Faith before the battle

“Lt” Wade Smith; A r1/f3 big man local who made his name in fighting the pine tribesmen and returned
AC 14 (studded leather + med shield) short sword, spear, long bow
> Wears a signal helm
HP = 28 + Second Wind


+1 with Terrain Advantage
DEF = 10 + avg. AC + #resilience uses, +1/-1 for morale adj, +1 for 50% more men, +1 if can form shield wall/hedgehog, +1 if lead by officer
+1 lead by battle master
OFF = 10 +1 for avg. d6/+2 d8/+3 more, +1/-1 for morale adj, +1 for 50% more men, +1 if lead by officer, +1 for spear wall/+2 phalanx

========= FORCES ===========
1 corporal Evans (recruit from the Merchant Cities)
f3 (a href=”http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/fighter:banneret”>Banneret, HP 28, beaten scale and shield (AC 16), dagger, long sword (+1 attack/init.; NM)
– Dueling style (+2 dmg) / FEAT: Mounted Combatant
> wears a signal helm; has studded/shield backup, 812sc (400 in jewelry) horse sabre, field medic kit, light crossbow, long spear, hand ax
* If he is alive at the end, he would like to be recruited by the PCs.

7 x f1 {- HP 9 + Second Wind}
> AC 13 (leather + shield, spear, short sword)
+1 FAKE Merchant member (HP 11; bulky clothes Sira Rodman normally wears, over studded AC 14 (1 res), staff-spear (d8 2h)

4 x f1 w/crossbows (2 each, preloaded when battle starts) {- HP 8 + Second Wind}
> AC 13
– lead by the Lt (wields his long bow while with them)

5 x f3 {- HP 27 + Second Wind} Action Surge!
– veterans recruited on Othric’s reputation – if he dies, they will negotiate a bonded mercenary surrender of 100sc per
> AC 15 (hauberk and shield); broad sword (2d4/2D5)

4 x f2 cavalry (scouts) {- HP 16 + Second Wind}
> AC 14; spears, short sword and horse sabre (+3 damage from horseback; Feat = Horse Fighter)
– hired a pair of locals on horseback as screeners and watchers only, not fighting!
= They watch the north road and screen north of Pellan with the irregulars of the merchants!

4 groomsmen, 4 teamsters and baggage train w/4 carts and 8 mules + an extra horse
> AC 11 (dex); dagger + spear if necessary (all looking to gain experience and become full fledged members with a share in spoils)
– WAR CHEST: 3,334sc; 6 shields, 4 suits of leather, 2 suits studded, 4 light crossbows, 8 daggers, 8 spears
+ Med Camp (for 4)

6 x f1 watchmen forcibly pressed into service (low morale) {- HP 7 + Second Wind}
> AC 12 (leather + dex); spear, dagger

5 f2 workers from the lumber operation {- HP 22 + Second Wind} Action Surge!
– loggers – strong and looking for an equal cut of the spoils; promised by Othric
> AC 12 (recently made sm hvy shield + dex); hand ax x3 (thrown first volley; d6 used 2h), dagger

Screeners: 4 cavalry + 2 hired scouts (non combat)

The characters return to their camp
scouts say the road block has been increased in the number of people manning it
> these have been replaced with peasants, the sunbelt merchants believe the PCs will skirt it any way, but if it is attacked the peasants are from the tri town Treeland area and told to put up a fight or their relatives will be flogged.

Note: Battle of Pellan Fields is a small battle and with a few intimate scenes – i dont want this to go on forever. The point is not to try and directly represent a real battle, but provide a few scenarios the PCs and the units may take part in. They may also just choose to stay alive. Each scene and scenario in it will have a point value. At the end, the highest point value will be perceived as the victor. There are so many factors in play, that some of this will be by the seat of my pants, around canned and predetermined factors (like offensive vs. defensive capability values).

Major Battle Scenes


Assault on the Roadblock

A “Box” has been hastily assembled. Those inside have a tortoise tactic and long spears. They will surrender if their partial cover is breached – its meant for the PCS to waste resources on. They will send up a ‘flare’ arrow from a self bow with billowing black smoke to inform the town if they are attacked.

Scouting the Town

Scout vs. Scout – Approach the Town
At stake: Who will get the upper hand to maneuver to better terrain (bonus)
Scout Value: 4x2nd = 8 +1 +1. To get advantage, PCs must beat DC 20.
* Dust Devil to control the battlefield

From up for Battle

At stake: Morale impact
Check: History/Lore Tactics DC 10 > best gets +1
CORE: (12) cavalry dismount = +4, +7 light infantry, corporal Evans
> Defense = 15
LEFT: (11) 5 veterans (one wears a signal helm) + 6 watchmen
> Defense = 15
RIGHT: (6) 5 loggers, Othric
> Defense = 16
> 3 runners from the baggage train – non combatants (dodge only) to run messages
BACK: (9) 4 Crossbowmen, second, 4 workers who volunteered last minute as guards given light crossbows (4) from storage
> once the clash has happened, they will convert to skirmishers on the outside, guarding vs other skirmishers

Initial Maneuver

At stake: Advantage; FULL = fighters lose Action Surge in feint
* Dust Devil to try and shape the battlefield choices!

First Clash

= Combat (2 possible general scenarios)
At stake: Morale, advantage, losses
Scenario 1: Stay alive
> All attacks (2r) get disadvantage
{+1 for each unit, +2 each leader/PC survived}
Scenario 2: On the attack
> Get 3 rounds of attacks


= Perceive, assess, and direct
At stake: advantage; FULL = loss of Second Wind

Battle Clash x2

= Combat (3 possible general scenarios)
Scenario 1: Stay alive
> All attacks (3r) get disadvantage
{+1 for each unit, +1 each leader/PC survived}
Scenario 2: On the attack
> Get 4 rounds of attacks (max kill/defeat 1/round)
{+1 for each unit, +1 each leader/PC survived}
Scenario 3: Fight to the Death! – This is only available for the leaders of each group.
+3 to the victor!

> RALLY: The sunbelt forces can attempt a rally if the battle is going bad after the first full clash set, before the second.
DC vs. the level + skill of highest surviving commander figure (one of the 3 must be alive). If successful, the losses are halved in the second full clash set, and point values won are halved. They may sue for peace if Othric is dead – and march off the field.
+2 if corp. Evans uses his Rally ability!

Battle Outcome Possibilities

– Surrender by the Enemy?
– Flee from the Enemy or Surrender to Them?
– 1 on 1 Challenge? Each side may be given a single medical healing (be it spell or bandage), and a single round to pray to their god with their priest or officer away from the rest of their band.

Merchant Outcomes

Win Battle: Execute any PCs that survive and are captured
Shouts echo around you. you see your forces dropping their weapons and asking for mercy, raising their hand sin surrender.

Lose Battle: They will be watching, and send a runner to lock up the business headquarters – let no one in!
As you look around, you see your remaining opponents surrendering. The call spreads and you see your enemies blocking and disengaging and holding their hands up. It takes a minute or two, but your forces stand watchfully at the ready while your enemies look expectantly at you. Groans from weariness and wounds create a low hum on the battlefield. You see the merchant house contingent flee to the town on horseback from their position of observation.
> The merchants will retreat to their home and try and either resist and kill the last few PC forces, or negotiate freedom and leaving (gathering as much as they can from business headquarters).

Pellan After the Battle

The town is quiet – not a soul is stirring outdoors as they all wait to see what comes after the battle. Despite reassurances, the locals wait to see if any other forces ‘take the field’. As you survey the town, only a few animal sounds can be heard. After several minutes, from one house on the north’s chimney belches black smoke – blowing south. Its probably some signal to the townsfolk that it is over, though they still wait to see what happens next.

Sunbelt Business Operations Headquarters (in Pellan)

– Also the Othric’s Hammers headquarters (in Pellan)

The compound is sprawling and consists of a fenced off area, with several large tents, a few basic wooden structures and some hastily erected stone towers. There is a crude gatehouse on the north side, and a well near it. The yard has several carts and wagons, stacks of lumber, and lots of rope and loading tools and straps.

Closer Look: A closer look reveals the wooden structures as workstations – a cooper, a wainwright, and a black smith. A saw station with a belt driver stands silent. The hastily erected stoneworks come into better sight, and you can tell they are actually ruins from a small keep which must have been ransacked a thousand years ago. The loose stones from its walls and works have been used by locals over time, but the few remaining look to have been repaired recently within the last 30 years or so.

After Battle: The yard seems to have been deserted in the aftermath of the fight. Nothing is moving except a few braying mules. Covered lumber, being readied for cutting or transport, are scattered in different stages. It even looks like some of the camp was packed up in haste. You can see several people watching the scene from the edge of the town.


[ i ] > DC 20 Perception check
As you watch, you see a flash of movement in the top of the SE tower structure – someone was observing you. It is in the best shape of all the ruins that have been restored.

The Sunbelt Merchants literally received reinforcements while the battle was running. Unfortunately, they are not more soldiers, but troubleshooters. They are not suited for battlefield use, and barricaded themselves in the company “office”

Merchant Office (SE Tower)

The tower has obviously been recently repaired. There are tents, stacks of stones and work carts around it. It sits on the SE edge of the compound, and has a piece of the old wall running east for 8m. The tower has been preserved as a defensive fortification, with arrow slits instead of windows.

Inside Compound View: The tower has a tent and riding horse provisions up against the stretch of wall. There are 2 horses, 2 mules and a cart here now. A nice tent on the north side of it. The door appears to be new, and is obviously reinforced.

[ i ] > Animal Handling = These are freshly hitched – somewhat layered and tired.

Special Agent Jerry: Rogue 2 > leather, short sword; Oil of slipperiness (grease), Potion of Mind Control (humanoid) + will set up office to burn!

Special Agent Chris: Fighter 2 > studded, long sword, short sword; Potion of growth, Potion of Giant Strength

4 company recruits (F0) > Light crossbow (1 shot each with Poison)

2 company teamsters > Carry away company strongbox, has the key to lay claim on the sunbelts “holding his property”

The Merchant’s House (in Pellan)