
Steel Realms

The Athla Hill Country has no “capital” per se, but all trade flows down to Athlapoole. It is a small town at the confluence of the Ruada Spur and Athla rivers, just south of the spur which is spanned by the Rudrae Bridge where the South Athla Trade Road meets the Serdof Road at the town itself.

Population = 480 normally + 200 trade workers (only 140 after the Grimdowns effect)

There was a modest sized pool formed by the currents, which was expanded somewhat by the residents to create a small harbor with a couple docks for trade traffic on the river spurs. The river road enters through an open gate in a basic wooden palisade. There is just enough danger from the Athla Hills across the river that it’s been worthwhile for the townsfolk to erect a defense, though the gate stands open and unguarded most of the time. Beside the gate is a sign reading “Gates closed from twilight to dawn.”

If coming by boat one enters ‘The Poole’ where a couple other boats are tied to the small docks. The nominal ‘harbormaster’ is also a local oysterman who runs both his business and the so-called harbor from a small building on the dock. His sons do all the actual manual labor now, and he has an alarm bell on his building in case of trouble. On the east end of town a gate stands open where the river road continues westward past Bog Mile Gap to the Beald Bridge.

Rulership: Mayor (traditionally the Semits family)

Rudrae Bridge –

In addition to the human population there is a small halfling contingent in Athlapoole as well as a dwarf family with a trading post shop. Also includes the usual blacksmith, cart wright, etc.

Key Places in Athlapoole

  • Rudrae Bridge: This is a large bridge, spanning the Athla River east to west. It goes west over the river is 20m x 12m stone with 3 stone bases, and wooden spans. It was once made entirely of stone. Its old, but very solid. Last repaired maybe 400 years ago.
  • The Merry Elven Lass – The single inn & pub in Athlapoole, just on the east side of the Rudrae Bridge. Of decent quality with a dining room, common room, it is a single storey structure with 6 double rooms. The house specialty drink is an oyster stout made with local freshwater oysters. Delicious, if a bit minerally.
  • Longbeard’s Trading Post – Trade shop and general store of Grud ‘Longbeard’ Xentu the dwarf (mother was Ducateon outkaste). His wife and 2 daughters live and work with him.
  • Herbeeth’s Locks and Security – The extended family of 9 halflings runs a small freight business, locks and fasteners (they can order) and breeds dogs for farmers, including jack russel rater dogs.


East of the town, outside its walls and on the south side of the old athla Trade Road is the town cemetery. There is an old spur road there, the North Serdof-Athlapoole Road (spur) that leads to Serdof.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic