The Barony of Nettlemist was founded many centuries ago, part of County Faer of Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms. It is nestled in the foothills of a road which leads south through the southern spur of the T’yendi hills to the Grand Barony of Fandelok. A widened road leads upwards to an open, plateau like area at about 200m elevation and totally protected by natural escarpment from the winter run off and spring flash floods. A similar road goes up another 50m elevation, over 10x the distance of winding road leads to the city of Nettlemist – the secure portal and last major stop on a journey over the hills and Low reach Pass to the south.
Capital: Fortress City of Nettlemist
Population: 2300 (Capital/Fortress), 7940 in Stingleaf – 12,000 approx. total (+1000-2000 workers in warm months)
Symbol: A grey, mist like background with a spikey nettle branch is the bar-sinister emblem.
History of Trade: The inhabitants of an old town (Baninville – now a ruin) founded at the base of the foothills were forced to move because of the seasonal wash-outs. They took over the area in a conflict that turned bloody – the spring and plateau were used by merchants as a cheap alternative to town – a series of tents and rough buildings had begun to grow up and the “entrepreneurs” were forcibly removed by the Count’s forces. A few had to be hunted down as they hid in the hills… legend speaks of them allying themselves with the Orrish to try and wreak revenge on those who would take their “rightful claim”. Since that time, things have been very quiet. The occasional border dispute in the last hundred years and Orrish raiders have drawn conflict nearby… but it remains a stable, safe home.
History of Troubles: The town has a long history of banditry and Orrish raids. Low reach Pass is the primary route for trade through the hills. Each hundred years, its sister-town – Bevmordain in the Grand Barony of Fandelok – switch in the role of protector of the pass. The hills make it ideal country for enemies to hide in wait and for the Orrish to raid from the cover of darkness. Both towns constantly have merchant traffic through them, each caravan has accompanying mercenaries and guards making the proposition of a strike far more dangerous as well.
Protection: The barony relies on an active militia of several dozen which can be called on in times of peril, but has only a single watch building near the massive public market and caravanserai that is funded and a total of 6 guardsmen, a sheriff, bailiff and assistant for all legal matters and patrols through the town. In the warmer months it quintuples. Generally, a pair of guardsmen are on patrol at any given time while another 2 man the station. Additionally, the Golden Glade – home of the Brotherhood of the Golden Stag – is located here, also serving to protect merchants and travelers over the hills into Fandelok.
Itself having little unique sources of commerce (though it is relatively self sufficient), it is the last place of commerce and rest before the journey over the pass bridging the Eastern Marches of Dunstrand or as respite from the journey in the opposite direction from Fandelok – especially in the flood seasons. It has grown around the services provided to merchants and travelers.
Unique Traders: This is one of the roads used by an occasional Halfling merchant from Loamwold, so the shops here are sometimes lucky enough to have goods from them in stock. Ducateon and Dwarven miners also make infrequent stops for supplies and sometimes with goods; as well the occasional Ducateon outcast can be hired as a mercenary from the area. It is a common pathway for those seeking to travel overland, south, out of Dunstrand, or west to Crestwold or The Saelish.
Divine: There is a shrine to Aerna as well as Balthazaar – who watches over travelers. A single follower of each watches over the shrine. A shrine (near a spring several hundred feet into the hills) and temple to Gaia with 7 followers dominate the faith of the locals.
Other Notables: A few adventurous types have settled down in the area, brining money and business. A few have opened shop over the years… but while many travelers come through the area the accommodations and resources are not hospitable to large scale ventures. A few have retired to the sleepy town – its location on a major trade route makes information flow and access to good ensured – just expensive.