Killion Greyblade (Character)

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Killion Greyblade


War and the Quest to Stop Forbidden Knowledge Flowing into the Darklands

Adventuring Group Companions:Kynar (made it out through portal/left group), Bodkin (died), Ebon Thud, Petals, Killion Greyblade, “Bugeyes“, Cherrys and NPC: Gill Manite Monk of rastur in training. [Oct/Nov 2012]

War and the Quest to Stop Forbidden Knowledge Flowing into the Darklands

As you realize that the caravan never left and Kynar may never return, a voice comes from out of the darkness: “Killion”. At first you wonder WTF… but it repeats as you contemplate your next move in the dark passage outside the city. Its barely a whisper, but it says “Come farther – i have a proposition for you… do not worry, if i wanted you dead you would already be.” Good point, as your companions bicker like they normally do, you edge off, unnoticed for the moment. In the pitch dark, a small voice says “Far enough. I am Seth, and i followed the large one – Kynar. I overheard it all, your plans, everything. Now, i’m no darkspawn, and i hate this place… so i propose a deal. I think i can free someone from inside the town who may have valuable information about the caravan you want. I’ll help you, but in return i become one of your group – equal share and all. I’m no warrior, but a rogue and scoundrel – i make no apologies… but i am also clever and enterprising. There’s one hitch though..i agree with the big one who is gone – the ghoul has to be killed. Its an abomination and you will be hanged if his true nature is revealed in the lands of light. I offer a once slave… who i believe is cleverer by half than his keepers know. He seems strong and might be a valuable addition on top of the knowledge he may bring. Its a lot to take in… but i am one and you are many, make your decision now or i will fade in fear and leave you to your devices…”

Killion curses under his breath. Taking in the information. “Trapped in the dark lands, surrounded by the orrish, our only chance of survival using cunning magically transported away. It would seem I have little choice if I don’t want to be sucking Orc cock by days end. Be warned as of now this group is the order of the Flaming Fist and a brand you must wear. If not on your face then elsewhere.” Killion cast flame hand and plays with the fire a second before saying “The brand can wait, if you like. Lets call it a trial period. ” Killion cancels the spell and states “I accept your offer and welcome you into this misfit band. The ghoul dies on my terms, as leader I will be the one to fell him. He has been loyal to our group, though we never seem to have a shortage of fresh meat wherever we go.” Killion seems to be remembering the last several months and then I look of disguise and revulsion flashes over face and quickly vanishes. “He devoured one of my wounded soldiers before a battle we thought lost. I did not know what he was until then, I never asked. Evil of his kind must be eradicated.”

Out of the darkness you see a small mote of light, as if someone pulled a tiny charcoal from a smoldering fire – its a ring, worn by a smaller man… no wait, its some sort of pale halfling. He has a strange mark on his forehead. “I already have a brand that gets me by in these parts… no need for the mark you wear. I accept the terms… and i am your man. Whatever your command is, i will abide by it – and i will ensure others do as well – that is my way. I am called Seth. Aside from the talents i have named, my dagger is yours to command, and my garrote… i am decent enough with both, better by surprise. I… must warn you though. I have a fascination with fire of a sorts and i tend to get… wrapped up in it at times. I do speak the language of the darklands… and have some passing knowledge of the
culture here. I have served these vermin for a year now – with my brand, it was the only work i could get. The brand i wear marks me for death by other halflings… it was a terrible misunderstanding (you get the idea not to press too hard on the story). Chase me from the group to save face if a situation arising from the brand depends on it – but i will find a way back fear not. I will let you make the introductions to the group as you see fit.”

Killing “Blink” and Dying

Killion died while trying to kill the mysterious figure “Blink” – the leader of the Unblinking Eye organization. The evil whip wrapped him in black flames and consumed him down to the last ash. He was given a heroes funeral by the High King’s men.