Hiddzwaur/Salt Marsh Campaign Record

Flashing Blade
World of Orlec
Much of the early record of this campaign was recorded by a terrified priest of Lauccio in Hiddzwaur.
PARTY FUNDS: silver = 6387
Healing Potions: 3

Caramin’s Journey to Hiddzwaur

Cast out and alone, Caramin goes east, to the coast. He fends for himself off the land, and enjoys the freedom of seeing and traveling great distances with the company of birds, insects and the grass of the plains. He works his way north along the coast, encountering his first villages. Mostly fishing hovels, his visage triggered screams and often running. While they hid, he would get a sense of things needing to be moved, boats and nets hauled, and minor repairs. He enticed them back with a willingness to work in trade, and used his animals to enjoin the humans to be friendly. He learned to swim and to haul large nets in shore hugging boats and from the shallows – it was good to develop his patience. His temper would get the best of him in many places, and he would eventually leave. It took him a year to make his way to Hiddzwaur (the Kaithlen were pushed out) – following the tales and news from the greatest town of the area. It took all his abilities to avoid the Kaithlen and the burgeoning struggle that tore the area apart. Humans were trying to settle the ancient Kaithlen lands, Kaithlen were roaming in small packs, and folks were tying to create farmsteads to work the land. Hiddzwaur was the island of stability for 50 miles, and a destination for the few seeking their fortune unconventionally – at least 1-2 travelers a day would pass through. He was told by the coastal villagers that rumors had it for years that it was growing and attracting “city types” slowly, Caramin decided that he may find a need for his talents there. Hiddzwaur was no longer active though, but had many farmsteads and a thriving maritime community that was rebuilding around the ruins. Fear of the Kaithlen kept many away still. It reminded him of the early days of Dorath. This made it a clear target, and Caramin knew that he had matured and honed his skills in the hundreds of miles to get to the town – he was ready. He spent 2 years, a near permanent member of the militia. He lived simply, and for trade in goods. Because of his aversion to material wealth, his friendly dog, and quiet disposition using all he had learned, he felt he was accepted swiftly compared to everywhere else he had been. There was a growing movement to rename the town, though to what no one could decide (“Salt Marsh” being the name with the most weight). While not actively patrolling outside the walls, he could often be found on the docks, catapulting children into the cool waters under the sun. For once, he actually felt part of a community.

Hiddzwar/Salt Marsh Troubles

Though the Kaithlen had moved on to prevent war in the area – the savage ones stay and make trouble. He is constantly scouting and using his owl to send a red streamer to steadings when he sees the Kaithlen from a distance – but he avoids open conflict. The Kaithlen eventually understand who and what he is, and why the folk they seek to predate on they find too often hunkered in defensive steadings, prepared and armed as much as they can. They have not yet come to hunt him specifically, but he is a known thorn in their side. They grow to grudgingly respect him. Ultimately with less death, the Kaithlen are also harassed less. The temple to Medja was used to rebuild other buildings, stone by stone it was taken apart. Sometimes Caramin takes a piece of stone from the temple and leaves it for the Kaithlen outside the walls, a reminder of better memories AND their choice to leave, most do not appreciate the message.

People of Hiddzwar/Salt March

FISH LEGS = hired us to tip crates into harbor; former pirate and smuggler and operative for Vern Kelps)
VERN KELPS = Local fishmonger (mogul of the area/wealthiest in town)
HAPPY FIELDS = Former paladin of Methrane; drunkard
BENTER SMITH = Head Jailer
JOHN “Hammer” MILLER – back bone of the militia/2nd in charge
KENNETH GREEN = head of the militia/bureaucrat
MARCUS FISHER = Harbormaster
TED BAILEY = “Baileys Bar” (bar)/and [separate] Inn Owner (expensive; plus penny hangs)
> our “sign” for trouble is his staff brings me a drink (i dont drink)
FATHER CORPUS WHALER = Penitent/devout of church of the elements (Laussio/water); cartographer

Militia = 10 at any given time + captain and second (“Hammer”) in charge

Big fish festival

We (Caramin + Mufasa) are conscripted to serve as security. There is a run that is around the wall and then over pilings from one dock to another. We get “happy” drunk to prevent him from trying to ambush the beer wagon (we are assigned to protect)
1 hour to messenger post

Half hour till wagon, teamster + 2 guards = success
We knock crates in to be raided
Festival fight with Mufasa
Mill area attacked, realize its a diversion
Caramin hides on docks and waits for the swimmers coming in that he spotted
30 climb out, 3 teams; 15, 10, 5
Team 10 goes toward mine, rest pillages with flame
Team 5 on docks, Caramin and militia handle
We swim out to boat (dog paddle Caramin, Mufasa catches up) and take out guards
We try to ambush returning raiders
We beach the boat after waiting
We get militia and kill the sea creature in the cabin; Caramin gets taken out as a shield for the rest
Aggressive behavior lands Mufasa in prison (3 days)
We leave for a rest trip and go to the mines – mines opened after Kaithlen
Mines are guarded, we bribe the guards and stay for a night
We find where the raiders were killed by specters
The second in charge of the guard and ex-paladin tracks show up as finding the same thing
Specters attack and we run – ten of them.
We take an additional day to return – to make it look like we did leave to relax
So, is there someone we can talk to about the specters we encountered?
> Thus far nobody knows anything. All of the Guardsmen you’ve spoken to were given orders by either the Mayor or the ‘Hammer’ to keep people out. No explanation given.
The locals who were at the mine during the attack only know that the raiders came in, killed whoever was in their path and ran into the mines. They never saw anyone come out, but before the attacks on the town had stopped they were told to evacuate and then the following day informed that the area was closed down and that they were not to go back. The town treasury even covered their wages for the month. Cursory talks do not reveal who initially gave the order to evacuate. It seems most people were told by other Miners and laborers that they needed to get out.

Is there any presence of faith in the town?
> For information on the Divine, mystical, odd or historical your best sources are any unique people making port (long shot), the Mayor (Wyeth Green), Father Corpus Whaler (A penitent of the elemental faith, Devoted to Lauccio) and MAYBE the Militia captain Kenneth Green.
> The Ex Paladin, Happy Field (No one argues with him about that being his name any more), was a follower of Methran. Methran is the Conqueror, the aspect of war among the Lords of Chaos. “War is only a tool to determine divine right.”

Is there anyone at the mine who was there when the raiders hit it, and if so, did they say what they were after?
> Locals who MIGHT know more, this is all what you can get through normal conversation. Despite having lived here for a while, your characters would be aware that you don’t know the town and people as intimately as you could.

+2 Days to return to towns; darkness starts at 32 (second sun sets) and ends at 4th hour/ into town at 8
@late summer
Boat we beached has been emptied and floated = ready to dry dock
Ted to Baileys Bar to see if word got back or anything happened
We see “demon sea captain” (captain Zendrevs = [“handles primarily the rare and unique” = her words] tough as nails/scary as shit Tiefling, only appears when valuable/weird is around for last 50 years – she looks 26/27 years old, usually gets what she wants and leaves, but not a pirate) that has known to make landfall here – she is in the bar and intercepts us. Ted confirms we are the ones shes looking for. Crowd starts talking.
> She offers us a job: locate an island to scout out (who wont scare people with demon horns); 2 part =
1st: sail to leechwaters (prefer “”/east 75 miles) to get info and tool for 100 silvers each (hazard pay separate)
> she, her vessel and crew are not allowed to make port there (dont mention we work for her)
2nd: find isle and scout for cash/gear (find pendant) – lost shrine of Achtval – third lord of chaos, AKA “changing lady” (fluid form/confusion/freedom – “do as though wilt”); Zendrevs can now find the island with the stone in the sextant we delivered to her. Shrine was hidden from dedicated folk to chaos lord.
Drop 10 silver to father corpus for good tides and wind for our journey.
> 1000 silver total to find the shrine, 2000 w/info; getting the pendant = offers to protect us from chaos lord powers. Not good enough for Caramin. That relies on her being alive.

Drops off at delta of silty river via rowboat. They will wait in bog and whistle a certain way to summon them to row us out. Night more ideal; ask for Timmy Jim, say the “hot one sent us” and get package.
Leechwaters here we come. We came from Saltmarsh – looking for work as mercenaries.
+2 hours and scout: argue on road, lots of leeches, venomous eels (delicacy) in muck, Mufasa gets bit = fuck this place. pop 250, ground rises as dry, lots of built stone structures more than straw and mud; head to tavern. Locals want us out, we want work, referred to TJ, he says we are weird couriers, but OK. Asks us toconfirm who sent us, Caramin gives him 5 seconds. Bob ferries us out to dry through bog. Bobs tells Caramin how to prepare as exotic food.

First Journey to Tidesbreak Island

1 week time limit on Tidesbreak Island (singular, not part of a chain)
Longboat takes us in to 20′ (chaos ward) – we dont really get a feeling, but Caramin feels like holy ground
Undergrowth/Overgrowth = none/light scrub
Trees = no/small/scrub
Animal Population = birds, crabs, fish
Elevation and grade = (highest point? 75′ spire) up to center point
Fresh water on island? just rain
Caves? unknown
PLAN = follow shore line and look for caves, check spire first
Spire: Spire not natural! looks it from a distance. Alcove: Shrine to Lauccio (elemental water) at the base of the spire. Carved prayers. Footprints – barefoot, older; 1-2 months into and leave to north; clean, old offerings of sea plant, coral, etc. (later we find it was the elemental priest in Hiddzwaur)
Climb to the top: etched into stone = combined holy symbol of elementals, line representing Dennio = deeper/ticker (earth); blood into groove – it glows. Caramin leaves all the silver they have as an offering – 424 silvers tucked into the rocks. Get the sense that Dennio power was used to thrust the spire up out of the earth.

We do a march around the island, cursory exploration, find nothing. We are forced to leave the island because of bad weather. We race back to town, in danger of the boat being tossed in a storm. When we return, we re-provision, and Mufasa is thrown into jail for assault and battery – Caramin does not intervene. Caramin takes the misc. goods and weapons (cutlass, short sword, dagger, hand axe) and donates them to the Elemental temple in town. Caramin gives the elemental priest the ciphered journals to see if he can decipher them. He tells them where we got them.

Eric [Athol] comes from sailing and merchant background and probably had money in his family at some point. He replaces Mufasa to aid in fighting. Looks like Caribbean descent. He is big, and strong, and heavily armored.

Kry’lin [Ben] received a vision outside of town, the vision makes sense when he sees Caramin and delivers “you missed something”. He explains his vision of a stone spire out in the ocean, and a false image of something being there that should not be there. Relatives were attached to Nanto – the spirit of fire. Caramin bows to the gods who obviously brought the holy man hither. Krylin the halfling assumes leadership of the group.

We return to Tidesbreak Island

Second Journey to Tidesbreak Island

Confirm that tracks went off to the north, someone kneeled and squatted. Eric picks up Krylin and takes him up the spire. The wind buffets them. Eric makes the climb to the top. Silver is still there. Clue is there is something under the spire. We find a plate hidden by debris. Caramin finds a thing at the top of the shrine, a handhold stone moves and it opens the plate in the shrine being held shut. We go down a stone stair case for 5 minutes. Water is running down the walls. We are at sea level, and there is standing water, the stairs go down into. It IS low tide. The hallway leads for a minute and a half underwater to a lighted chamber. The torch is lighting the chamber with a witch green light. Passage leads to a lighted area with non flickering light. Caramin stealths ahead to see whats up. A creatures comes out of the water behind the others and attacks them as Caramin scouts ahead. Another creature appears. They are made of dried seaweed, coral, rock and have 4 eel heads on their back. Gross smell of rotten seaweed when they die. Kylin checks it out (similar to golem – maybe Dennio and Laussio working together?), while Caramin explores forward.
Room under the spire – line where the light ends. At the edge of a shrine. Mess of crystals, rock, etc and splinters light in some pattern?
Throw a shoe in, shoe stops for 15 seconds and then recovers its fall.
Time slows. We enter. Corpse looking thing behind the curtain of light. Its a vampire Casua.
Caramin asks if he has a message for his people – to the emperor: “Beware the gifts of other lords.” From a servant to Achtvaal. Been down for a long time, longer with time dilation. It says the chaos lords are vying for power – Tyranus especially is rising and has influence in the world more than he ever had before. Cataclysmic power!!! Methran the conqueror is not doing much. Caramin lets down his sanity to commune with the spirits of the place – reality warps.
1) lose leg or genitalia = resisted
2) drunk = x2 healing rate
3) burn 1 CHA all within 100m = hear as though next to me = resisted
4) Powerful build (1 size larger for carrying capacity)
We learn that the situation has served its purpose. Insight into Casua; emperor has direct tie to Achtvaal = does not age. Caramin has insights of the emperor throughout time. Caramin offers his arm for blood. The vampire says he was the emperors best friend, helped him get the throne. Wants to kill emperor, but cant remember why. Caramin dons the necklace and gets an exact sense of where the chaos shrine on the island is. When the vampire meets Zendros, he says she is a much more elaborate transformation than his. No explanation. She seems in awe of him.

Take the vampire shackles.
Scroll: Blessing of Achtvaal.

Gives us a mark: she gets half of 2500 bounty
Marcus Condars = child sacrifice on the misty coast. Has some training as a wizard. Maybe sacrifice to get power fast. paranoid. Does not trust anyone – employs mercenaries, has no friends. Targets kids who are a bigger challenge – not just easy pickings. Prefers boys. Stays close to the coast for quick transport out.
Village of Pederast (150 pop), misty coast. Get dropped off down the coast.

100 silvers pouch, 400 jewelry pouch, book – methodical in Impari > in mill
disguise, witchcraft stuff, spell book? > in hut

City council wants Kry’lin to stick around and work with Caramin. He has a knack for stumbling around and discovering things – plus hes willing to put himself in harms way for the town.
5 counci;
Mayor- Wyrth Green
Mayor Brother- Militia captain Wyeth Green
Militia second Jeff – “hammer”; really leads militia
Vern Kelps
Happy – holy symbol is now torn off – “advisor to hammer”/not part of the council directly but trusted

The Kaithlen Hermt – find out more

Council request –
1) Scouting the roads – N, E, W to get road. Drop road markers (10) = 3 mile radius (mines just inside); metal posts with plaques – we get 2 mules and a riding horse
2) Settler caravan escort – past the mines, coming because of the mines. Probably refuges from Montvin Empire
3) Rep from elemental church; “the exorcist” coming in Spark Druid Farthus Eldon (cleric) Lauccetio of lightning

#3 father Corpus Whaler input – says hes patient, keen intellect, he checks out arcane and weird disturbance; rumors that hes gotten into trouble when pushed too far. Ask him not to share with Eldom

Early september-like weather

Kry’lin says go east on coast and radius drop the 10 markers. Half a day. Leave the mules
Then go west – its the most used route. Caramin handles mules. At three miles, we pound the first marker in. 20mile traces of lizard folk lair; we map them to a half mile diameter area.
Area well travel, but Kaithlen and Lizard folk never cross the line – they are funneling travelers through no mans land between them. Exact route to go west. WE find stones to mark the width and mark them with arrows (5 each side).
Caramin stays 2 miles out, savage Kaithlen get near him and observe the city at night. Report in to council.
Day 3: North 20 miles. To the NW we see small forest = total 40 mile distance from salt marsh
That night 2 scrawny kaithlen attack at down for food. 2 short swords, dagger, light crossbow – no provisions or equipment
Day 4: go to forest? Track the attackers, they had been following us.
Feeling of age and permanence as we approach the forest. 3 miles wide N-S, 6 miles E-W. Another forest further W, significantly farther. There is a path to the west, marshy/boggy area bordering it.
Elves in the forest, they say stay away! In the forest we forage, we heal faster. The flora there is “enhanced”; herbalist wet dream. [no CON checks for exposure for a week].
Dy 5 = 50 miles; one patrol with Kaithlen – 1 sabor, 2 sheeta – they hail us but leave us alone. All had weapons and armor. Return to town. Tell the council what we found.
Send runners – north road closed, Come from the west.

10 silver to The jailer
Those miners in jail for being drunk and disorderly, one is persuaded. Kaithlen questioned them about the mine.
10 silver for passage of knocked out buddy, 200 silvers.
Krylin gets a “witness statement” signed by Dave. He gives us his whittling knife as proof of signed statement of trust. We give him a short sword.
Council says go back to the elves. Escort the elemental priest
Kenneth Green approaches afterward
Fastest route, 1 day to meet the elves
Hes impressed with aura of the place
Met by a different elf.
Elves agree to find us the caravan
We post the sign
Caramin gets exhausted, no encounters and find the caravan road
Eric rides out to kill them, they kill him
Revivify him to eat him raw from the feet up
Brimstone stink at kill site – demonic influence

Next day, we return to the edge of the forest and prepare to find the Caravan and guide them west
Three figure walking towards us from the kaithlen lands. One is a leonine!? Massive form – has half elf and dragon born. Hermit had saved the rogue, and owed the Leonine a favor because he rescued him when he was lost in the woods. Council send out Akra to find the rest of us, he encounters the Leonine hermit, who guides him to us.

Haquain, the Leonine hermit. Appreciates attempts to maintain peace and civility. He says there is a group out there that is not redeemable. Same that murdered our companion. Need to be removed as a favor. Danger to the town. Meet him in the east after the caravan is escorted.

We find the caravan from the north, 2-3 hours away, escort them west, then safely arrives from the west to Hiddzwaur/Salt Marsh. Ambush.

Saboor; 10 crossbow bolt/5 are poisoned (light; poisoned condition – goes to Eric 2).
Heavy and light crossbow, short sword, barbed dagger, holy symbol (demonic; Coalition of the Damned – one of the 12 [undead]); meat rations (Eric 1 jerky – I eat, bear eats); Eric 1 (dead nobleman’s family necklace). 25sc goods. A weird Henna tattoo shows on all character that shook hands with the Leonine hermit, has healing properties. [30 points].

We meet elves on edge of the forest, they send five of their number with us to Hiddzwaur. 3 days to get home. Report in to Hammer. They remind us to look for Druid. Dont like that we are trusting of the Leonine Hermit. Says we did well to capture the Saboor. The druid was captured and retainers killed, Hermit feels his presence. The Sheeta is leading them, sworn to lord of death. Hermit wants to talk to both. Sensed an imbalance in the agent of the elements (druid). Escorted through Kaithlen lands – 3 days. Druid spared as a sacrifice. Find ambush site, tracks lead west. Primeval awareness every 3 miles. Travel for half a day before trail vanishes. Bear picks up the trail. Brutal terrain. Another half day. Primeval awareness eventually reveals 3 miles, 4 of them. Home in. Get within a mile. Ritual circle – we interrupt, ambush and kill all.
2 pikes, med hvy shield, short bow (re-curve/+1 dmg/init; r=100), barbed spear (light +1 dmg; full hit = 1 aggro), chain shirt, med shield, holy symbol (demonic, dedicated), scimitar (tainted; +1 damage counts as +2 for demonic worshiper; traded with Zendrevs for 2 healing potions), looted weapons/armor (3000sc worth), rations, 400sc worth of goods. 2 potions of healing. vial labeled with symbol as toxic.

30 year sleep

We voluntarily go into “hibernation” for 30 years, Dennio suggests it as a means of securing the future. WE become statues in the town center.

Population currently = 1500 + 1000 transient population total on land they claim to govern.
Militia is about 100 call up, 50 in active service at any given time.

Councilman Merrick – City council and representative of Montvin Empire (Montarin)
Last council meeting he selected to head up inter species relations in town (not good right now).
“hired” by city to take care of disputes. 10sp/day, 300sp at end of of bandit threat. Bandits might be locals and have claim to the lands that others are settling on.

We go talk to Happy; sense his aura, regained his paladin status? He says that things changed – don’t trust Merrick. Conflict of interest. The source of the booze grains is what is being focused on – he says look into the trade agreements.

Caramin contacts the local Kaithlen. Haquain walked into the far fields and vanished. He negotiated with the council to allow settlement of Kaithlen in the area. He is presumed dead.

Last 10 years been settling barley/wheat area. Last 3 months consistent raids on same area more and more. 30 people total produce. One household his 10+ times – run off with anything of value, including crops. No one killed yet, but come in masked and have hurt a few people,. Usually after one sun has set. They come in various size groups; 8, 12, 30 – various reports. Theres gold involved!
Find a tree where 3 branches emerge, messages are left here. 5 sticks. Bear sniffs all in party.