Coldstream Channel, Queens Coast of Umbak

Steel Realms
Coldstream Channel is the access point to the sea for Loamwold (the coastal area of Maldoolin), Crestwold Barony of the Duchy of Dunstrand, and the southern shore of the Tarmysian territories of Dunstrand. It is thought of as a mostly Umbakian territory of the Queen’s Coast. It was once shorter, and ended on the shores the the Scar Flow (old Westmarch) of Dunstrand. Before the raised plane of Archen’s Shelf sank and Scar Flow was made, it was shorter and referred to as Coldstream Inlet – where the Loamwold Cut spilled into the sea.

Coldstrem Inlet once had the Mountains of Scar Flow abutting it. It was once mostly controlled by Umbak, though now is a shared territory as decreed by the High King. The halflings of Loamwold were allowed to come and go as they please, as was dictated in a settlement by the high king of Gladnor. Dunstrandian ships are allowed to transit along the Tarmysian coast as long as they remained within 1-2 km. The Umbakians have full control over patrol for and justice on privateering, piracy, and smuggling.

Feature of Coldsrtream Channel

At the edge of Scar Flow (old Westmarch), a few KM off the Tarmysian coast and in the Coldstream Channel (and technically part of Tarmysian territories) of the Tomir Barony is a strange set of features named the “Ray and Shark”. A strange slanted plateau island named the “Flying Ray” due to its shape and the triangular thrusting hill named “Shark’s Fin” to the south of it.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic