Sentinel Hill (‘Watchtower of the West’)

Steel Realms
Sentinel Hill is a single hill that rises almost 300m, right in the middle of the open plain bordering Lake Caolite and Ashwood Forest in the Barony of Astret. It was once known as the “Watchtower of the West” and had one of the ancient Hillfire Beacons atop its peak.

At its SE base is the ancient cemetery of the original kings of Gladnor – its reputation being a barrier to trade because of what happened there. The original road to the peak of the hill leads through the sprawling and resplendent burial grounds of Glavenor Field.

Corrupted Hillfire Beacon: As part of the events of the Wraith Plague, the beacons was corrupted. Any time it is lit, it flares with Bale Fire, creating a restlessness in the dead for several days travel in every direction. It is guarded by soldiers of the High King of Gladnor.

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Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic