Lily Rush of Lilymarch (Dunstrand)

Steel Realms
Lily Rush is the The center of the lily trade and lily festival of the Lilylands; most of the lilies are processed here for the elixir and special concoctions made from their pollen, nectar and parts. Materials in Calibans Slurry are reagents for this process, gathered from Dren’s Portage.

Capital/Seat of the Barony Ruler: Baroness Nessia Colwyn of Lily Rush

Population = 4500

The Colwyn family has, as far back as memory goes, ruled the Barony of Lilymarch through the female side – it is strong in the Riverdan tradition. Were it not for the beautiful spring festival and the lilies and garlic dogwoods of the area it would be relegated to one of the worst areas of Bar-Innis. Only a small part of it is suitable for townships and farming -it floods a good portion of the year. This does make it lush and verdant, and a favorite haunt of those seeking solitude and isolation. Calibans Slurry divides it from its southern neighbor, Crestwold.

Lilymarch Harbormaster: capt Helmen Greeward of the barons guards; everything that happens in Lily Rush is known by this person.



Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic