White Garden (Crestwold)

Steel Realms

There are 7 small villages of about 22-45 people each in a 2 mile area called White Garden on the southeastern border area. These were originally thought to be founded by the Umbakians based on the pattern of the Road d’Claer – The Road of the Squared Settlement. Additional villages were added to the initial square. Over time, outlying farms outside the road markers were settled as the fear of Yarans Vale has slowly diminished over the centuries in recent times. The villages each have the same street pattern and placement, but not the exact roads and territory configuration. White Garden is also home to the ruins of three once bright white shrines to the Lightbringers on it northern road – a sponsored pilgrimage route between two of the town, 1 sponsored by each family participating in the larger settlement. These were built first, and in the most disrepair – no one keeps them clear as they were built near a stream that has since created a small marsh in the area and the ruins are all sinking into it. Along this route Kalens Bane still stands. The rock leans westward, and the hole size has increased – it has weathered over time. A shrine was built next to it, though it is nothing more than rubble now.

  • Town of Rumsfeld: The family of Rumsfeld is ancient, an attendant family to one of the primary noble families of Umbak that once ruled the region. There is almost no Umbakian blood left in the lineage, but culturally they identify more with Umbak and the Lightbringers… as do most in the town and settlements nearby.
  • Village of _:
  • Village of Torry:
  • Village of Esrago:
  • Hamlet of Mofath:
  • Hamlet of _:
  • Farm of _:

Peat Miners Camp

The slowly growing bog has recently drawn a camp of miners that cut and dry peat for burning. It is a collective of private individuals – not any organized business. It is a year round operation, with a large stone overhang providing cover in winter for wind-drying the peat bricks. Additionally, they have built a meat smoking operation which runs for local hunters as well.

Common Features of the villages

  • Freight Office (w/single jail cell)
  • Assembly Hall (there is a cellar in each, but about half are collapsed)
  • Town Well and Pulpit
  • There is also a smithy (simple iron/low quality steel)
  • A stable
  • [remains of] Lightbringer shrine and a flower garden of perpetual blooming daffodils (only 3 shrines have enough magic any more to make this happen)
    Village #3 has a full church (fallen into ruins – just a shrine now) to the Lightbringers that is kept up.

Common Features of the Farms

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic