Education in Dunstrand

Steel Realms

The Linscaeld is the Institutions of Dunstrand chartered to supply education in Dunstrand. Dunstrand is one of the few places that has some form of public facing education, in this case sponsored by the ducal family. The Riverdans also have an older education tradition. Dunstrand Law dictates that every child is entitled to primary education if it is being provided locally. The availability of this depends on time and place and fluctuates with the fortunes of the ducal family.

D20 Dunstrand Education

PRIMARY EDUCATION: Minimum Social Standing =

Lore [homeland] +1, Gladnorian Language (Rudimentary), Lore: Laws +1

SECONDARY EDUCATION: Lore [homeland] +2, History, Gladnorian Language (Accomplished), Mercat Language (Primitive), Lore: Laws +2

Social Integration: If a character’s starting Charisma is less than 10, it increases by 1.

Incarna X Dunstrand Education

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic