Encounters in Scar Flow

Steel Realms

Geo-Location: Duchy of Dunstrand Encounters in Scar Flow for the lands of the sunken Westmarch/Scar Flow have many strange entities and occurrences that are found there – along the edges of Dwindor Swamp and the Black Shore as well as deep in the submerged peaks of Scar Flow. It shares many of the same potential encounters as Encounters in Dwindor Swamp.

Travel in Scar Flow

Prevailing Weather: WEATHER FEATURES (The Dwindor “Haze”)
> The same weather features as Dwindor Swamp, but Scar Flow is considers a ‘secondary travel path’ where separate effects are listed.

Common Environmental Occurrences

Check the weather each day (d6):

  • 1-3 = Normal (for the season), travel unhampered
  • 4-5 = Storm; (violent winds and running currents) half travel speed
  • 6 = Tempest; (terrifying winds and currents) no travel

Common Event and Happenstance Occurrences

Common Creatures and Strange Entities

  • Scar Sentinels” – Exploring the tops of the mist shrouded peaks may lead to the discovery of one of these ancient structures with its requisite possible encounters.

The Accursed Ferryman of West March

A cloaked creature made of wasps and spiders mans a large skiff traveling throughout the area between the peaks. The “Ferryman” is a spirit that was a devout Sea-King captain whose ship was used to rescue sailors and crew from the sea in times of battle. When The Sundering happened his ship was dragged under but his dedication lived on – though twisted. Hundreds of years later his spirit persisting, it gathered and feeds off the life force of the biting and aggravating insects of Dwindor and “guiding” others into safety – though it cannot guide the living. He is drawn to those seeking to find ‘safe passage’ through the sunken lands – the shores of which he used to sail on.

A tall, cloaked figure poles its way towards you in the dim light. The mist seems to roll back from the figure as their skiff comes to a halt about 30m from you. One hand holds the pole, the other a hooded lamp. The figure lifts the lamp and unhoods it, casting a bright light far beyond the power of a normal lamp, upon your craft.

[ i ] Know (Rare) > It is said that a strange figure with the power of a dark bargain seeks to save travelers from the lurking evils of navigating Scar Flow. This figure was said to once have been a pilot or captain of a ship itself – perhaps of the ancient Sea Kings.

[ i ] Perception > A distant buzzing or humming sound can be heard.

Closer, you can see the figure is skeletal, but fleshed. Draped in a heavy hooded cloak, boots, and gloves little can be seen. A deep voice croaks out from a dry throat, “I can guide you. I can guide you. But I cannot guide the living. Who among you would pass into the halls of those who dwell beyond life?” With this, spiders crawl out from under the cowl, and hornets are released from his mouth as he speaks.

[ i ] Perception > The clothes are ancient, of a culture unknown, and seem several times mended.

The creature offers passage to the dead and undead, but not the living – though it will offer to make a traveler dead (‘Would you leave the horrors of the life’s struggle behind for a moment, as a gateway to eternity?’) or undead (‘Do you wish to walk the Halls of the Dead and remove the taint of life upon you?’) if they wish. The form of undead is either ghoul (or barrow wight or some such if they are truly evil!). True to his word, it can guide the PCs to any place, unerringly, and avoid all other encounters and perils – such is his powers.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic