Burning Children Sect of Merkaine (defunct)

Steel Realms

The ‘Burning Children of Merkaine‘ were a Sect of the elemental fire goddess Merkaine. They were associated with the north and the item Fist of Hephaestus.

History of the Fist: A steel gauntlet with black leather, the cuff bears the symbol of Merkaine and the back of the hand bears the ancient symbol of the ‘Burning Children of Merkaine‘, a long dead sect of Merkaine. The (left handed) gauntlet was worn by an champion of Merkaine known as Hephaestus. This agent of the fire mistress laid waste to entire armies of undead, leading the north to a brief period of more than just bare survival. It is said that he would call down the fire of Merkaine herself through his fist, flinging it in great waves against the armies of the Lich lords. Hephaestus’ time came to an end in one historic battle as the flames consumed his body and burned long enough to allow escape for his own army in around 7400 CY. After that day the Gauntlet was lost.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic