Order of the Kyne (Everdark)

Steel Realms

The Kyne were a sect of the worshipers of Everdark who were children of the offspring between the Demoness Kynae and the god Everdark. The Kyne were all imbued with fanatical loyalty to their “father”, possessing a measure of faith beyond normal in addition to whatever else they were. They appear human, but have black lips, black tongue, and black hair. Their hair grew long and swiftly, and they were all said to have woven it into a braid, with a razor sharp needle or blade secured in the tip – some semblance it is said of the scorpion like tail of their mother. The Kyne have long been hunted, and are thought to be exterminated. Whispers say that some still remain, hidden deep in the lands of darkness. When poison strikes a noble or important person, there are always rumors that the Kyne were involved despite no evidence in a millennium.

There were three levels of indoctrination into the sect:

  1. Atremendes: These are the fanatic warriors
  2. Galumet: These were observers and organizers
  3. Shauld: These were the elite priests
Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic