Ilyndrian Aelves

Steel Realms

@RP Impact:

Description: Life most faerie races, these characters have a Long Life Thread. They have deep ice blue eyes.

d20 Raise Dead and equivalent/d20 Revivify and equivalent: Creatures with a Long Life Thread (ex: Elves) cannot be targeted by either of these spells (they simply fail) – it takes stronger spells to impact the character enough to bring them back from the dead.

The Elves of the northern kingdom of Ilyndria Frostshine are unique. When the elves called for the first Soul Tree in the Valley of Sighs, from its roots was born the Ilyndrian Elves, true and ancient Aelf, undying and wise… and corrupted from the dark powers let loose in the Valley of Sighs. First born was Ilyndria – a majestic and powerful faerie queen. Her eyes were dark green and blue emeralds, literally glinting in the light like faceted crystals. She in turn merged with the cold north wind, producing her many children. Instead of aiding their brethren, they fled north out of the land of death the valley had become. The Kingdom of Ilyndria was settled, far away from any other races. There the children of Queen Ilyndria grew powerful and distant. Their skin like white frost, their eyes like green-blue ice and their veins as cold as a glacier. They watched as the creatures of Helca spread across it, their wars, the dreams of dragons, the casting down of the Sea Kings and Lords of Bronze, and countless events that they took no part in. However, when the north fell to the Lich Lords, the Ilyndrians could not do nothing. Though few know of them, they fought directly against the armies of undeath, and works behind the scenes to create checks and balances in the north, alliances and pacts. They were instrumental in engineering the Exilion of the north. The children of Ilyndria wait for the final confrontation with the forces of undeath. It is prophesied that when the Blue Wall falls, the children of the queen’s time will end and the Exilion will rise to rule the north. They know their doom is sewn into this deed, and yet they wait stoically. Perhaps not all shall die, but their role on Helca will have run its course, and they will go into decline – perhaps like the elves of Ynth.



Welcomed: The northern Hinterlands

D20 Illyndrian Characters

Cultural Knowledge: Languages: All characters are Conversational in spoken and literate Feyloise (elven), Rudimentary in Mercat (not literate)

Skills Excluded or Altered:

Incarna Core Trait List

Tree of Frost and Earth

No Heartshine: The elves of Ilyndria do not possess a Heart Stone, but it is their eyes are the gems that are bound to the Soul Well. For them, they have what others might see as a Soul Tree, but it is the icy earth at its base that has the power of the Soul Well. When one passes, an eye is hung in the tree like others, but the other is planted like a seed into the ground.

These Aelfs have an inherent when Quiet Aura – including their life aura and if they remain completely still, even their mind’s presence (Quiet Mind). This makes them extremely dangerous to just about every creature and another reason why they prefer to remain unseen and untargeted.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic