Newtlings (dragon-kin) of the Steel Realms

Steel Realms

The Newtlings present on Helca are mostly normal in every way to those scattered across the iVerse. Dragons are generally leaving Helca, the great sleep is over for most and they are gaining their cosmic wings and taking flight to explore the universe.


These conform in most respects to the general Lizardfolk Newtling dragon kind.


These conform in most respects to the general Troglodyte Newtling dragon kind.

Demon Rays: Sometimes troglodyte hatchlings are morphed into the strange demon rays when they are living in the dark waters edge settlements. Usually through ceremony by their holy men and females. This knowledge is thought to be long lost, and there have been none for a thousand years or more.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic