Records of Feathers Rise (second era)

Steel Realms

CHRONICLE: Feather’s Rise > (Second Era of Feather)…
> Previous = Travel to Lilymarch in the Sea Slug

Starting Characters: Arabus (Jesse); Earl (Atreus); Alanna (Ulrich); Ben (Asil); Corey (Sorin); Rocky (Danoir)

Date @ Start Common Year 11-28-9168 Nov
From Travel to Lilymarch in the Sea Slug

A Deal for Treasure

Feather: You will want to follow the path to the treasure you seek… Right now, that is fine and I condone this. Because it was something you bring with you from your time before… i will take nothing for the order from it – it is all yours. In fact, I will negotiate with my re-kindled patronage in Dwindor and see if I can grant you passage through Dwindor’s haze to Dormu’s Peak without incident. She has some control over the spirit of Dwindor in some ways if she exerts control

Interlude… a Delivery and Druidic Power

None of this is recorded in any place excpt Feather’s secret journals, sent to the Companion Library.

Interlude… An unknown source has delivered the Tomes of Bittermaw to the Companions Library. It is unknown if they copied any of them. The chest is filthy and covered in dirt. It is sent with a warning and the whole thing taken to the catacombs for safety.

…Feather’s “Deal” With the Druids

Feather decides to try and make a deal by selling her soul to reconfigure a lot of power in the regions. The Druids of Pranin are the fulcrum, and she is relying on triggering their anger and hostility to make it happen. She delivers a “bundle” the druids, and asks that it be taken to the Orrish of Dwindor eventually. They agree. They stipulate to forbid the restoration of Dwindor to the nanfords old course in Westmarch. Westmarch cannot ever rise again. The power of dwindor must be brought into the druidhold, or at last some of it. It is up to her to make this happen. Druids promise to bring peace to Feather in exchange for bringing Dwindor under their Control.

A Cry for Help – Giants are Attacking

There is a flurry of activity as you prepare for setting out once again. Riders are on the roads in large numbers and the militia in Hotherwale assembles. An assistant to the Baron arrives at the villa with a sealed message from FEather, and a verbal ask from the Baron. The Baron’s herald has gone with a force assembled in Torrelsons Ford to meet a force of attacking…. frost giants!? The message says that Feather (returning from meeting with the Druids of Pranin) and a force of Tarmysean refugees, along with some of the baron’s soldiers, have gone to stop their march towards Torrelsons’ Ford. While they are entangled, the rest of you need to find out where their base in in the Gnaefor Stretch (the other side of the river from Creedsons Refuge where you are at). She will be bringing the refugees to settle in the area after… that was her agreement. The baron’s messenger says at least a dozen soldiers are already dead and several settlements smashed. The Lightbringers and Green Church both have sent out defenders. He has a summary of what is known:

  • They reported the giants as being pale white, and wielding large clubs.
  • There is no taking of animals or supplies – just destruction/killing
  • Seems like no pattern or thought – just random.
  • They dont speak or make noise
  • They are not wielding traditional weapons

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic