Gravewald’s Courage

Steel Realms
Steel Realms Timeline Event; recorded knowledge.

The Legend of Gravewald’s Courage The hero of The Broken Lands

Born in CY 5350, said to be an important year by sooth-sayers, Tyrell Gravewald is born to homesteader parents; his father a magistrate in The Broken Lands and funded by a free city consortium of the recovering south. He rose to become General of the Bear Look Confederacy – which his father helped to from. For nearly 50 years these folk settled the Broken Lands of the south, and then in 5400 Daniel Welences, a priest of Ikribu, convinces The remnants of Harumjal Fadhamir – last of his family line, that the stars were right for conquest. For 6 months they pressed the attack, throwing the Orrish back to the Black Fens. However, the southern Orrish tribes banded together, counter attacked and slew thousands who fought bravely to allow the civilians to retreat across a bridge the Elves had erected across the Cosheus Abyssal trench. This force was lead by General Tyrell Gravewald. Knowing they could never beat them on numbers, the general and his most trusted captains set out to kill their leaders. To aid, and elven priestess of Gaia imbued the axes with special powers against the Orrish. When the time came, they cut the bridge – sealing themselves off from hope. Him and his captains flee at the last moment, following a trail down and back up, to attack the horde in its rear.

Quyickly the horde began to make its own bridge – legend says from the entrails of the 2000 men, elves and Ducateon who had staved off the horde’s advance to allow others to escape. The horde of dark spawn led by twin priests is thrown down into the mud of the fens by the General’s personal guard. The guard was mostly killed or scattered – but also saved the Broken Lands from being overrun. The horde, without their leaders, dissipates and the humans retreat once again. Slowly, the territory north of the Broken Lands are re-conquered by raiders and given back to the desolation – claimed by neither side. A few of the axe’s of Gravewald’s Guard were recovered – imbued by power the elves set them with, to ensure they could hold through the retreat.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic