The Blood Bleaking (Corruption of The Ur-Fahyl)

Steel Realms

CY __; (Secret Knowledge)

It’s as if the world has been scoured of the events that are given this label. All that is known is that it seems a curse was brought down on the people of Amarga. To the elves, the memories are so bad that the Soul Tree blocks them from access. Draconi will not speak of it – whatever it released had an impact on even these mighty creatures and it is not something they speak of.

During this time, the folk of Amarga nearly died. The blood of all the folk of Amarga was tainted, corrupted by something or someone. Their skin changed, they slowly grew blind and their eyes milky. The fertile lands of the Heart withered. Slowly, they dwindled and starved. Whispers began to be heard on the Dimmerlane, and all outsiders fled. The Heart of the forest smelled as if it was the domain of death. Over 150,000 people lay dying.

However they managed to accomplish saving themselves. They split themselves into 5 tribes (the sixth was sacrificed before they ever left the Ur-Fahyl), forming upon poles of the elements, beasts, plants, their mystical bronze, and nature itself. They were forced to leave their ancestral home. To save it, they sacrificed their civilization – drawing forth all power that they had built around the animus font at the Heart. The forest swiftly reclaimed the Heart, and all traces of their accomplishments became ruins. The tribes marched out of the Dimmerlane, it sealed itself behind them (some traces still survive – bound to the Aelfpaths of Helca).

The corruption began in the Vale of the Black Sun, and spread down the Dimmerlane, into the Bronzemen home.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic