Weapons of the Steel Realms

Steel Realms

Magic/Mystic items are typically Singularly Bound. Mundane weapons conform to normal Incarna weapons and Incarna item properties. Items can have properties added through magic (Standard Augmentation and more), crafting and/or technology.

Crafter’s Mark: The use of an item made by a famous and recognized crafter (or their guild/trade/school) may also be the equivalent of a Prestige Marker. The following places only allow the sale of armor and weapons through approved/permitted sellers: Beryl, Northern Merchant Cities, Southern Merchant Cities, Northgate Garrison, Southgate Garrison, and Umbak. Also, none of the towns or villages near the Pacification Garrisons of the High King will sell without clear cause or permission. Local criminal enterprises are involved in currency, trade, items of all kinds, even local banking (money keeping/lending) and in some cases controlling crafters and their goods production.

The Culture of Weapons: War is a central point of the Steel Realms. The factions, faiths, nations, and cadres of various sentient beings, monstrous creatures, the undying Lich-Kings of the north, and the unending war of light and darkness create a need for the smith with the ability to make Armor and Weapons. This knowledge and craft is called upon daily to defend and carry the fight to enemies. Smiths are paid well for this service, and held in high regard. Technology has created a myriad of choices beyond natural weapons.


Regardless of official policies, most places have some form of Basement Armaments for weapons.

The following places DO NOT restrict the sale of armor and weapons during time of war: Northern Merchant Cities, Southern Merchant Cities. Availability gets scarcer though. Rarest of all mundane weapons are the Beryllium armaments. Most normal weapons can be Silvered.

D20 Weapons of the Steel Realms

Weapons Unique to the Setting
Weapon Damage Requirements Properties Cost
Small d4 [No Inherent Resilience]
Medium d6
Large d8 2 Hands
Simple MELEE
Club d6
Light 2
Dagger d4
Finesse; Light; Thrown (20/60) 10
Great Club d8
2 Hand 10
Hand Axe d6
Light; Thrown (20/60) 20
Javelin d6
Any projectile doing better than average cannot be recovered. Thrown (30/120) 5
Knife d3
Light; Finesse; Thrown (10/30) 1
Light Hammer d4
Light; Thrown (10/40) 15
Mace d6
Quarterstaff d6
Versatile (d8) 15
Sickle d4
Light 5
Spear d6
Thrown (20/60); Versatile (d8) 20
Woodsman Axe d6
Versatile (d8 + Pulverize) 25
Blowgun 1
Loading Range (25/100) 20
Dart d4
Any projectile doing better than average cannot be recovered. Finesse; Thrown (20/60) 2
Light Crossbow d10 base
2 Hand; uses Light Bolt
Any projectile doing better than average cannot be recovered.
Loading 250
Self Bow d4 base
2 Hand; uses Self Arrow
Any projectile doing better than average cannot be recovered.
base Range (40/240) 40
Short Bow d6 base
2 Hand; uses Self or Light Arrow
Any projectile doing better than average cannot be recovered.
base Range (80/320) 100
Sling d4 base
base Dex 12 Thrown 1
Simple (Ranged) Munitions
Barbed Light Bolt Any projectile doing better than average cannot be recovered. Aggravated 1/2/3 +10
Light Arrow d6
Any projectile doing better than average cannot be recovered. Range (80/320) 2
Self Arrow d4
Any projectile doing better than average cannot be recovered. Homemade/Low Quality; Range (40/240) 1
Light Bolt d10
Any projectile doing better than average cannot be recovered. Armor Piercing; Range (80/240); For less than Heavy Xbows 5
Sling Bullet 2d4
Str 12 Penetrating; Range (60/240) 4
Sling Stone d4
Range (30/180) 0
Martial MELEE
Battle Axe d8
Pulverize; Versatile (d10) 300
Broad Sword 2d4
Str 13 Heavy; [adding for half cost] Durable 500
Flail d8
Flexible 250
Glaive d10
2 Hand Heavy; Reach 800
Great Axe 3d4
2 Hand; Str 14 Heavy; Pulverize 1500
Great Sword 3d6
2 Hand; Str 12 Heavy 2500
Grollen War Flail 2d6
2 Hand; Str 13 Adapted Grip; Flexible; Heavy; Pulverizing 550
Halberd d10
2 Hand Heavy; Reach; Pulverizing 1200
Ilbarsi Kukri d4+2/4
Only available to Ilbarsi Hill People Durable 600
Khopesh d8
Versatile; Heavy; Weighted (15 str/-2 init) 450
Lance d12
Reach; Special 100
Long Sword d8
Versatile (d10) 350
Maul 2d6
2 Hand Heavy 600
Morning Star d8
Pike d10
2 Hand Heavy; Reach 50
Rapier d8
Finesse 500
Scimitar d6
Finesse; Light 350
Short Sword d6
Finesse; Light 150
Trident d6
Thrown (20/60); Versatile (d8) 75
War Pick d8
Pulverize, AP 250
War Hammer d8
Versatile (d10) 300
Whip d4
Soft 20
Martial Ranged
Arbalest +1d6 base
2 Hand; Str 16; uses Heavy Bolt; Loading (bonus action or help)
Any projectile doing better than average cannot be recovered.
Penetrating; base Range (150/600) 1500
Hand Crossbow d6 base
Any projectile doing better than average cannot be recovered.
Light; base Range (30/120)
Heavy Crossbow 3d6 base
2 Hand; Loading; uses Heavy+Barbed Bolt
Any projectile doing better than average cannot be recovered.
base Range (100/400) 800
Long Bow d8 base
2 Hand; uses Broadhead, Flight or War Arrow
Any projectile doing better than average cannot be recovered.
base Range (150/600) 600
Martial (Ranged) Munitions
Barbed Heavy Bolt Any projectile doing better than average cannot be recovered. +Aggravated 1/2/3 +12
Flight Arrow d8
Any projectile doing better than average cannot be recovered. Range (150/600) 8
Heavy Bolt 2d6
Any projectile doing better than average cannot be recovered. Range (100/400) 12
War Arrow 2d4+1
base Flight
Any projectile doing better than average cannot be recovered.
Armor Piercing; Range (60/400) +20
Broadhead Arrow 3d4
base Flight
Any projectile doing better than average cannot be recovered.
as Self Arrow vs. Armored; Range (60/180) +15

Incarna X Weapons of the Steel Realms

The Khopesh: This is a weapon used singularly in the southern lands, mostly Nakria. It is weighted oddly, and considered a Martial Weapon, though base proficiency does not include familiarity with it. Its Weighted property imposes a -2 Initiative penalty, and if the wielder has 15 or greater Strength, the base average damage goes from d8/4 to d8/5.

Blood Bronze Weapons

Blood Bronze Blades (the Forge of Toprag); These weapons were made with powerful natural dweomers of anima, metallurgy, and blood magic. Once the Bronzemen discovered their deepest secrets, no more were made for the outside world. All future Blood-Bronzed Blades were Singularly Bound. The original blades are rare and command unknown prices – less than a dozen are thought to exist. Some spears were known to exist as well, though only a couple or so are known to be in the hands of ancient families in The Riverdans of Dunstrand.

Ilbarsi Knife/Kukri

Cold forged and exposed to the reflective light of Aewins Heart, the Ilbarsi Hill People make this exclusively for their warriors and no one else… on pain of death.

Orrish Weapons

Orrish weapons are generally coated in all manner of nasty, fecund, and foul substances. Without a proper cleaning, they will fester after a Short Rest – imposing 1 level of Exhaustion until a Long Rest is achieved. Untreated, they can lead to lesser and greater Wounds. The Goblins have a particularly vile concoction called Bloodmold. This mixture of shit, pus, old and new blood, is mixed with resin or a paste made of ground bones. This then is left in The Deeping for several days. It is applied to their wood, stone, and flint or quartz weapons. When a target is hit, on a simple hit the target gets the Poisoned condition in 4 rounds. A full hit applies 2d6/7 and imposes the Poisoned condition in 2 rounds. On a critical hit, the target takes 12 damage and the Poisoned condition immediately. A DC 12 Constitution save will negate the condition, but not the damage.

Moonlit Armaments

Moonlit Weapons are created and used by the followers of Ezrilus, Gia, Darupet and some great spirits of the Wyld. Their nature makes them far less impressive than normal ones, and so they are typically used by their more specialized followers.

<2>Armament Materials

Named Weapons

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic