Mydrinate (for seeing in dim light)
Mydrinate is one of the
Drugs, Toxins, and Alchemy (Concoctions) of the Steel Realms. It has the immediate effect of ‘mydriasis’ – expanding the pupils of the character. It is put directly into the eyes, and only works on most natural creatures and humanoids. It only lasts 1 hour, and burns slightly – having the impact of imposing a non-cumulative measure of Exhaustion afterwards, until the character gets a Short Rest. It is made of natural ingredients in most places, and a chemical compound in others, but is pervasive in most places with the constant threat of the Orrish. It goes bad after about a half month (2 Long Rest cycles).
i20™ Mydrinate Details
The effects of Dim Light are treated as if it were normal daylight.